

A Research on the Reading of Leisure Reading Matter in Middle School Students

【作者】 周中

【导师】 程大琥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 自上个世纪90年代以来,中国语文教育界同仁都非常关注中学生的课外阅读状况,并且提出了许多行之有效的策略,但是对于中学生课外阅读中非经典读物的阅读尚缺乏完整的系统的概括和总结,因而也就缺乏对中学生在此方面阅读的指导。笔者尝试提出“闲适读物”的概念,并且通过对常德市、长沙市、深圳市三地中学生课外阅读的调查,试图对中学生课外闲适读物的阅读状况进行分析,指出我们对于中学生闲适读物阅读应有的态度,并提出“闲适读物的阅读应该是中学生课外阅读当中的有益补充,社会和学校应该允许不同阶段中学生阅读不同的闲适读物以获得不同的营养,保持某一阶段的自然天性和追求。”的论点。 本文共分为引言、四大部分和结语部分。 引言部分:描述实际生活中所见到中学生课外阅读情况,说明本文论述的主题。 第一部分:对“闲适读物”的概念分别从“闲适”与“自在”相关联、不使用“闲书”“闲适文学”等概念的理由、闲适读物阅读与旁人所说的休闲阅读的区别三个方面进行阐释,并说明闲适读物的三大特点即时代性、阶段性和复杂性。 第二部分:主要是对中学生闲适读物阅读研究的必要性的阐述:分别从目前中学生的总体阅读现状和中学语文阅读教学现状、从社会学校家庭对中学生闲适读物阅读的态度、从新的课程标准对中学生的阅读要求、从现当代名人成功人士的阅读活动、从国外得来的借鉴和国外研究者的成果等方面进行阐述。 第三部分:主要对中学生课外阅读视野中的闲适读物阅读现状进行说明,给中学生阅读的闲适读物分类并分析中学生热衷于阅读这些读物的原因。还分析了中学生闲适读物阅读对自身的影响。 第四部分:阐述我们对于中学生闲适读物阅读所应持有的态度。 结语:提出笔者论点。

【Abstract】 Since the last ten years of the passing century, huge attention has been paid to middle school students’ reading actuality out of class, and a great many effective strategies have been proposed. However, there is a lack of systematic summary or conclusion to students’ non-classical literature reading out of class. Therefore the guidance under which students read non-classical literature works is in great need. Here, in this study, the author is trying to bring forward the concept of "Leisure reading matter". Through the survey about students’ out-of-class reading conducted by the author in the city of Changde, Hunan Province, the city of Changsha, Hunan Province, and the city of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, the author makes an analysis about the state of students’ out-of-class reading, suggesting the essential attitudes that our adults and teachers should hold towards students’ leisure reading matter. Meanwhile, the author put forward his own opinion that leisure reading matter is a beneficial supplement of students’ out-of-class reading;students of different grades should be allowed by schools and societies to read different leisure reading matter to absorb different nutrition, keeping their own natural pursuits at a certain stage.The present study is about leisure reading matter and this thesis is composed of four chapters besides the introduction and the conclusion.The introduction introduces the students’ reading actuality, and explains the very topic of this study.Chapter One is about the concept of "Leisure reading matter ", elucidated from the following three parts: the association between "leisure" and "light";the reason why we don’t adopt the concept of "light reading " or "leisure literature";the difference between the reading of leisure reading matter and leisure reading, which is presented by somescholars. The author also advanced the three characteristics of leisure reading matter, time, gradualness, and complexity.Chapter Two states the reason why we should do the research about the requirement of leisure reading for middle school students. It is demonstrated from the following four parts: Chinese students’ reading actuality nowadays and the actuality of Chinese literature reading teaching in China;the requirement of new curriculum for literature reading to middle school students;the reading activities of modern celebrities and successful people;the reference from abroad and the research result of the learners in foreign countries.Chapter Three is devoted to the explanation of actuality of students’ reading of leisure reading matter, classifying their reading matter, analyzing the reason why they are so fond of these works and the influence of the works to them.Chapter Four proposes the attitude we should hold towards leisure reading matter.And the conclusion summarizes the author’s views about leisure reading matter.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】9
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