

The Estimation of Taylor Coefficients of a Class of Cauchy Transform of Hausdorff Measure

【作者】 李红光

【导师】 董新汉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础数学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在这篇文章中,我们主要考虑某类特殊的柯西变换F(z),研究它们的泰勒系数的渐近表示。假设{Sj}j=0q-1是由压缩映射组成的迭代函数系(IFS),其中0<p≤pq(q≥4,pq的定义见[1])。K是{Sj}j=0q-1的吸引子,μ是支撑在K上的Hausdorff测度,我们称F(z)=∫K(z-w)-1dμ(w)为μ的柯西变换。最近,文[2]中讨论了F(z)在|z|>1内的罗朗系数。本文首先决定了F(z)在z=0的邻域内的解析半径Rq∶当q=2m时,R2m=1-2p,当q=2m+1时,然后研究了F(z)在|z|<Rq内的泰勒展开,给出了泰勒系数的渐近表达式。这个表达式总是和一个乘积周期函数联系起来。论文的另一部分是研究这些乘积周期函数的性质,得到了它们的解析范围,还在积分中去掉了测度,将它们分别表成一个初等函数的无穷乘积。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we consider mainly a class of special Cauchy transform F(z), and study the asymptotic behavior of its Taylor coefficients . Let the iterated function system(IFS) {Sj}J=0q-1 be of the formwhere 0 < ρ ≤ ρq(q ≥ 4,ρq is defined in [1]). Let K be the attractor of {Sj}J=0q-1, and μ be Hausdorff measure of surpport on K. The function F(z) = ∫K(z - w)-1dμ(w) is called Cauchy transform of μ. Recently, the paper [2] has studied the Laurent coefficients of F(z) in |z| > 1. In this paper, we first give analytic radius Rq of F(z) in the neighborhood of z = 0: if q = 2m, R2m = 1-2ρ and if q = 2m + 1,then we study the Taylor expansion of F(z) in |z| < Rq and give asymptotic expression of Taylor coefficients,which is always connected with a multiplicative periodic function. In the other part of the thesis ,we study the properties of these multiplicative periodic functions, getting their analytic scopes and eliminating the measure in integrals and also expressing respectively them as infinite product of a elementary function.

  • 【分类号】O174.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】27