

Studies on Storage Nourishment of Pear Tree in Dormancy Period

【作者】 段彦丹

【导师】 张玉星; 申连英;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 果树学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以鸭梨、黄金梨、雪花梨和八月红梨为试材,对鸭梨休眠期短枝及外围发育枝贮藏营养含量的变化和这四种梨贮藏营养在一年生枝类中的含量分布状况进行了研究,以期为梨果优质丰产栽培提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下: 不同树势鸭梨贮藏营养的变化都呈现相同的规律。外围发育枝和短枝贮藏营养的变化规律一致。 可溶性糖含量的变化呈现先升后降再升的变化趋势,枝木于1月底达到最高值,枝皮、花芽、叶芽都于1月中旬达到最高值:淀粉含量的变化与可溶性糖基本相反,呈现先降后升的变化趋势,枝木于1月底达到最低值,枝皮、花芽、叶芽都于1月中旬达到最低值。 芽体蛋白质变化除萌芽前升高外,和枝木、枝皮的一致,呈现降升降升的变化趋势,并于1月中旬升到最高值;芽体氨基酸变化与枝木、枝皮中的蛋白质正好相反,呈现先升后降再升的变化趋势,并于1月底达到最高值;枝木、枝皮中氨基酸变化一致,先降后升再降,并于1月中旬降到最低值。 枝木中磷含量的变化基本都呈下降趋势,枝皮中磷含量于休眠期变化不大,但各枝类都于1月中旬达到最大值,芽中磷的含量变化相对较剧烈,呈现降升降升的趋势。 芽中钾的变化趋势同枝木中的一致,先升后降,枝皮钾含量变化几乎和枝木的钾呈现互为消长的关系,先降后升,芽中钾最高值出现在1月底,枝木钾最高值出现1月中旬,枝皮钾于1月中旬达最低值。芽体、枝木和枝皮的变化一致,都表现为先升后降的趋势。 酚类物质的含量除叶芽于1月底达到最高值外,都于1月中旬达到最高值。壮树贮藏营养含量几乎都显著大于弱树。 贮藏营养含量在一年生枝中的分布基本都呈现短果枝>中果枝>长果枝,短发育枝>中发育枝>长发育枝,短果枝>短发育枝,中果枝>中发育枝,长果枝>长发育枝的规律。枝皮是可溶性糖、蛋白质、钾、酚类物质的主要贮藏部位;枝木是淀粉、主要的贮藏部位,也是磷休眠初期的主要贮藏部位;枝皮和枝木都是氨基酸的主要贮藏部位。淀粉是主要的碳素贮藏营养形态,蛋白质是主要的氮素贮藏营养形态。

【Abstract】 This paper took Yali pear,Whangkeumbae pear,Xuehuali pear,and Bayuehong pear as experimental matrial. The changes of storage nourishment of tree and the distribution condition in annual shoot were studied during the period of dormancy , in order to supply the theory reference for cultivation of good quality and high yield. The main results were as follows:The changes of storage nourishment of Yali pear of different patterns all showed the same certain law. The variation law of storage nourishment of off-lying developmental branch and short branch were the same.The contents of soluble sugar first raised, later dropped and then raised. The soluble sugar of stem xylem reached the top contents in the last of January,while the top contents of stem phloem, blossom bud and growth bud all in the middle of January. The contents of starch first dropped and then raised. The trendency showed inverse relationship with that of the soluble sugar. The minimum content of stem xylem appeared in the last of January, while the minimum contents of stem phloem, blossom bud and growth bud all appeared in the middle of January.The changes tendency of protein contents of bud were inconcordance with that of stem xylem and stem phloem except ascending before germination, showed the tendency of decreased first and ascend later, the maximum contents were in the middle of January, the minimum contents were in the last of January. The changes tendency of amino acid contents of bud showed inverse relationship with that of the stem xylem and stem phloem, showed the tendency ascend first decreased later and ascend last, the maximum contents were in the last of January. The amino acid contents showed the same tendency of stem xylem and stem phloem, decreased first and asend later, the minimum contents were in the middle of January.The changes of P contents of stem xylem decreased during the period of dormancy, the tendency of that of P almost not changed, but the maximum contents of different types of shoots were in the middle of January. The changes of P contents of bud showed drastic relatively. It ascend, decreased and ascend, decreased again.The changes of K contents of bud were in the same of that of the stem xylem ,showedthe tendency of ascend first and decreased later, the changes of K contents of stem phloem and stem xylem conversed. The maximum content of bud was in the last of January, the maximum content of stem xylem was in the middle of January, while the minimum content of stem xylem was in the middle of January.The changes of phenols of buds, stem phloem and stem xylem were the same, first raised then dropped , and growth bud reached the top contents in the last of January, blossom bud,stem phloem and stem xylem reached the top contents in the middle of January. The storage nourishment contents of vigorous tree was greater than weak tree, these can supply firm foundation for hibernation and growth, development in the next year.The storage nourishment contents of the short fruit shoots were higher than the middle fruit shoots, the middle fruit shoots were higher than the long fruit shoots, the short developmental branch was higher than the middle developmental branch, the middle developmental branch was higher than the long developmental branch, the short fruit shoots were higher than the short developmental branch, the middle fruit shoots were higher than the middle developmental branch, the long fruit shoots were higher than the long developmental branch. The main storage position of soluble suger, protein, K and phenols was stem phloem. The stem phloem and stem xylem both are the main storage position of amino acid. The main storage position of starch was stem xylem. The main storage position of P in the early dormancy period was stem xylem too. The main storage shape of carbon nutrition was starch, The main storage shape of nitrogen nutrition was protein.

  • 【分类号】S661.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】187