

Research on Evaluating the Regional Investment Environment of Modern Service Industry in China

【作者】 魏巍

【导师】 原毅军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 国际贸易学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 区域现代服务业投资环境是一个地区吸引现代服务业外商投资的决定因素,它的好坏将直接影响该地区现代服务业引资的规模和结构。本文从受资者角度出发,从现代服务业的自身特点及其对区域投资环境的特殊要求入手,对区域现代服务业投资环境的影响因素进行分析,并在此基础上选取对现代服务业引资具有影响力的指标,构建一套完整的区域现代服务业投资环境评价指标体系,用以评价我国珠江三角洲经济区、长江三角洲经济区、环渤海经济区和东北老工业基地四大经济区域内12个省市的现代服务业投资环境,从而为这些地区有针对性地改善现代服务业投资环境提供政策建议。 本文是按照以下步骤对中国区域现代服务业投资环境评价研究展开论述的: 首先,本文将区域现代服务业投资环境评价的相关概念加以界定,并提出整个研究的理论和现实基础;第二步是分析现代服务业的特点及其对区域投资环境的特殊要求,从而将区域现代服务业投资环境划分为区域环境因素子系统和产业特质因素子系统,这两个子系统分别下设若干个因素;第三步是在区域现代服务业投资环境影响因素分析的基础上,选取适当的指标来构建指标体系;第四步是评价方法的比较与选择和评价流程的说明;第五步是对我国东部地区的珠三角经济区、长三角经济区、环渤海经济区以及东北老工业基地四大经济区域内12个代表省市的现代服务业投资环境进行评价和比较。最后得出本文的结论。 本文采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的评价方法,其思路是先对区域环境因素子系统中各因素和产业特质因素子系统分别进行因子分析,再对提取出的区域环境因素子系统主因子同产业特质因素进行因子分析,以实现区域现代服务业投资环境的综合评价。 本文的研究成果是:(1) 将区域现代服务业投资环境定义为“在一定时期内某一特定区域所拥有的影响和制约现代服务业吸引外商投资数量、结构和效益的各种区域因素和产业因素的有机复合体”;(2) 将区域现代服务业投资环境划分为区域环境因素子系统和产业特质因素子系统,前者是区域现代服务业投资环境的基础,后者是区域现代服务业投资环境的关键,起到决定作用;(3) 我国四大经济区域现代服务业投资环境呈现两极分化的不平衡现象,北京、上海、广东、浙江和江苏位居前五名,河北、黑龙江、吉林排在后三名;区域排名为:长三角经济区、环渤海经济区、珠三角经济区、东北老工业基地。该结果与实际基本相符,具有一定指导意义。

【Abstract】 Regional investment environment for the modern service industry is a dominant factor, which determines the modern service industry-specific FDI amount and structure attracted by a certain areas. From the host country’s point of view, this paper starts with analyzing the particular characteristics of modern service industry as well as their specific requirements imposed upon regional investment environment, based on which all the influential factors are examined in the regional investment environment for modern service industry. Then, a certain influential index for modern service industry FDI attracting are carefully chosen within the foregoing framework to build up into a whole set of index system for evaluating the regional investment environment of modern service industry, aiming to assessing the modern service industry investment environment of twelve provinces and cities within such four economic regions as Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, Yangtze Delta Economic Zone, Economic Zone encircling the Bohai Sea and the old Northeast Industrial Base in China, and bringing forward some pertinent policy suggestions on improving the modern service industry investment environment for the local governments.The research on evaluating regional investment environment for modern service industry is carried out in a six-stage process described as follows:At first, to clearly define some crucial concepts related to the evaluation process and put forward the theoretical and practical basis for the whole research. Secondly, to analyze the particular characteristics of modern service industry and their specific requirement imposed upon the regional investment environment, based on which the regional investment environment for modern service industry is divided into the regional environment factor subsystem and the industry-specific factor subsystem with several factors respectively for each. Thirdly, to carefully choose some appropriate index to build up into a set of system within forgoing framework;Fourthly, to compare, choose a suitable evaluation method and give the description of evaluation process;Fifthly, to evaluate the regional investment environment for modern service industry with twelve provinces and cities as the object within Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, Yangtze Delta Economic Zone, Economic Zone encircling the Bohai Sea and the old Northeast Industrial Base in China. Finally, to come to a conclusion.Quantitative and qualitative analysis is carried out together to evaluate the investment environment. The evaluation idea goes like this: to evaluate the various factors in the regional environment factor subsystem and the industry-specific factor subsystem on basis of factor analysis firstly, and then to evaluate the regional investment environment for modern service industry in a general way with the extracted components in the regional environment factor subsystem and the seven industry-specific factors as the general evaluation index.The research results are presented as follows: (1) The regional investment environment for modern service industry is defined as "a complex system composed of various regional and industrial factors influencing and determining the size, structure and effects of FDI attracted by modern service industry within a certain regions during a certain period of time." (2) The regional investment environment for modern service industry is divided into regional environment factor subsystem and industry-specific factor subsystem with the former as the basis and the latter as the key and determinant for the whole investment environment for modern service industry. (3) The evaluation results show a great imbalance among 12 provinces and cities within four economic regions, with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu ranked as the top five, Hebei, Heilongjiang and Jilin ranked as the bottom three, and the four regions ranked as Yangtze Delta Economic Zone, Economic Zone encircling the Bohai Sea, Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, the old Northeast Industrial Base. This result basically conforms to the fact and is of a certain instructive significance.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】801