

The Research of Embedded Home Gateway Based on IPv6

【作者】 吴明津

【导师】 陈三宝;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的发展,嵌入式Internet技术推动后PC时代的来临。嵌入式Internet技术使得设备可以通过嵌入式模块而非PC系统直接接入Internet,在这种技术的推动下,“网络家电”、“信息家电”迅速发展起来,从而使冰箱、空调、电视等家电网络化得以实现,构建出人们理想中的智能家居。IPv6的出现使得这种理想更加迅速的的成为现实,IPv6采用128位二进制来表示IP地址,这形成了非常巨大的一个地址空间,毫不夸张的说它可以为地球上任何设备分配一个IP地址,从而解决了由于IPv4地址短缺给构建智能家居系统构成的瓶颈。 智能家居是为适应现代化家庭生活而形成的一个形式多样化的网络结构,它是由计算机、信息家电、智能仪表、消防以及安防设备等多种类型的设备构成的一个复杂的网络系统。它是以嵌入式操作系统和独立开发的内部网络协议为技术背景,使家庭内的家用电器和设备都能够上网,实现家电的信息化、网络化、自动化。在该系统中,“家庭网关”是整个家庭网络的中央控制器,是家庭的信息中心和内外网络交互的接口它不仅完成家庭上网、E-mail收发等功能,还为家庭内部与外界信息的交互、信息家电的远程监控等功能提供了统一的通道,是系统中的关键设备。 本文采用32位嵌入式微处理器S3C4510构建了一个嵌入式家庭网关,设计了信息家电的无线互联协议以及远程监控方案。软件部分采用uClinux操作系统,并在其上开发相应的应用软件。介绍了uClinux的特点、起动运行方式以及它在S3C4510上的移植裁剪过程,介绍了基于S3C4510的BootLoader程序的编写。研究了IPv6协议并介绍了当前接入IPv6网络的一些方法。本文重点研究了信息家电远程监控系统的设计,提出了一个Browser+WebServer+CGI的远程监控系统方案并设计了一个家庭网络控制系统通信协议,提出了家庭网络蓝牙无线通信的实现方案。

【Abstract】 The embedded Internet technology promote the coming of PC-after era, the embedded Internet technology enable equipments access the Internet through embedded moudule rather than PC systems . Promoted by embedded Internet technology, network appliance and information appliance developed quickly, which makes the refrigerator, air-condition, television and other appliances network, construct the intelligent home in people’s ideal. The IPv6 appearance makes this ideal come to reality more quickly. IPv6 use 128bit binary to express the IP address, which construct a very large address space and can assign an IP address for any device on the earth. This large address space solves the bottleneck on constructing intelligent home caused by the short of IPv4 address.Intelligent home system is a diverse network architecture adapt to modern home life, it is a complex network composed by computers, information appliance, intelligent instrument, safe and fire protection device. Home gateway takes embedded operating system and the independent developed Internal network protocol as the technical background, enable appliances and devides in home access Internet and realizes appliances information, network and automatization.In this system home gateway is the center controller of home nerwort and the information center and the interface between interior and exterior networt. It not only complete home accessing Internet, receiving and sending mail, but also provide an uniform channel for information interchange and distance monitor. It is the core of the intelligent home.This paper constructs an embedded home gateway using the 32bit embedded MCU, S3C4510, and uClinux, and proposes a solution of wireless connection of information appliance and distance monitor. This paper introduces the advantage of uClinux and the boot and run, introduce the porting and compiling on S3C4510, describes the programming of bootloader, analyses the IPv6 potocol and introduces some methods of accessing to IPv6 network. This paper emphasizes on the research of distance monitor system of information appliances, propose a solution applying browser+webserver+CGI technology. In the end this paper designs a communication protocol used in home network and the realization of communication with Bluetooth.

  • 【分类号】TP393.05
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】271