

Reservior Character Study of Xing’anling Group about Beil4 Block in Sudeerte

【作者】 李占东

【导师】 柳成志; 李捷; 吴河勇;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据海拉尔盆地贝尔凹陷地质、地震资料以及测井资料,以层序地层学、沉积学、石油地质学等理论为指导,以全三维地震解释技术、高分辨率地震资料反演技术、沉积相分析技术、油气层综合评价技术为依托,在构造断层特征研究、构造发育史研究、高分辨率层序地层学研究、沉积相特征研究、储层反演及物性特征研究和油藏综合评价六个方面,开展了储层特征研究,总结了适合研究区特点的、可操作性强的储层描述的方案。主要成果有:(1)以层序地层学理论为指导,对全区进行地层划分与对比,系统建立了高分辨率层序地层学框架,在工区内建立三个三级层序, MSC1为一套完整的三级层序,MSC2只发育HST,MSC3只发育TST。(2)工区内油层组顶面的构造图表现为一大体呈NNE向展布的被断层、褶皱复杂化了的断鼻构造,断裂复杂,小断层多,整体格局为北高南低,中部高的特点。(3)贝14断块圈闭形成时期均在兴安岭群沉积之后南屯组沉积之前,并且该工区的控陷断层均是南部B184号断层。(4)对贝14工区兴安岭群油层组应用模拟退火算法进行储层反演,从反演剖面上可分出三套储层,其中Ⅲ油层组储层最为发育,连通性好,沿南部及东南部物源方向砂体逐渐向西北方向减薄。(5)应用岩心、测井、地震等资料确定沉积受南部控陷断层影响,主要发育扇三角洲沉积体系,物源方向为东南部。(6)研究区位于贝西北主生烃洼槽的东侧和深大断层的交汇处,油源充足;储集体主要为扇三角洲前缘亚相砂砾岩体,物性较差;油藏类型主要为断背斜油藏和岩性—构造油藏。(7)在油水分布规律上,工区内主要流体为油,无含水迹象,无统一的油水界面,在砂体发育较好层位,砂岩连通性越好,储层含油性越好。在综合分析的基础上,提出有利目标。

【Abstract】 According to geological,seismic and logging well data of Beier hollow in Hailaer basin,this thesis takes sequence stratigraphy, sedimentlogy, petroleum geology etc theories as itsinstrument and take three dimensional seismic explanation technology, high resolution seismicinversion technology, the sedimentary facies analysis technology, depositional facies analysistechnology, oil-gas layer comprehensive evaluation technology as its Support. The study ofreservoir characteristic research has been carried out in six aspects, including the structure faultcharacteristic research, the structural history research, the high resolution sequencestratigraphy research, the sedimentary facies characteristic research, the reservoir inversion andthe natural characteristic research and the oil-gas pool synthesis, suitable methods ofcharacteristic description for this area have been summarized. Main achievement includes: (1) take the sequence stratigraphy theory as the instruction divided and compared to stratain entire area, the high resolution sequence stratigraphy frame and three series of tertiarysequence have been established by the numbers, MSC1 in the region is set of complete tertiarysequence, MSC2 is only grows the HST, MSC3 is only grows the TST. (2)the distribution of each oil layer top is a fault nose structure to NNE direction ,which iscomplicated by drape and fault, and rupture is complex. The whole pattern is that the middle ishigh and the entourage is low. (3)Bei14 fault blocks trap formed the time after Xing’anling Group deposition beforeNantun formation deposition, and the B184 number fault in south controled sediment of thisarea. (4) Xing’anling Group oil in Bei 14 areas is carried on the reservoir inversion using thesimulation anneal method, from that, it can identify three sets of reservoirs from the inversionsection plane, the result is that III oil layers is best, and the connectivity is good, sand bodygradually attenuates along the south or eastsouth direction of source to northwest. (5) Used core, well logging and seismic data to determine this area is fan delta depositionsystem which the fault of controlling sediment in eastsouth has an effect on, and the sourcedirection is eastsouth. (6)In reservoir aspect, the oil source is sufficient in the study region, which betweeneastern side of main hydrocarbon hollow trough in the northwest of Beier and deep big faultcrossing segment;the reservoir mainly develops sandstone and the gritstone sub-faciesdeposition of the front fan delta. Petrophisical is bad, the reservoir bearing oil type mainly isfault anticline oil pool and the lithological character-structural oil pool. (7)In the oil-water distribution rule aspect, the liquid is no water but oil, so it has nouniform water-oil interface.Sandstone is more expedite, and oil is better in good reservoir. Atlast we bring forward avail target on study of synthesis analyse.Key words: Bei14 block reservoir character Xing’anling Group sequence stratum

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
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