

【作者】 薛丽英

【导师】 齐蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以六相永磁同步电动机为研究对象,进行了电动机本体、驱动电路的设计以及电气故障的检测、分析以及排故等研究,采用小波变换方法在MATLAB/Simulink环境下进行了仿真分析。同时,对电机本体常见的匝间短路故障也进行了一定的分析和研究。 文章中所用的六相永磁同步电动机驱动系统,采用了一相驱动一相的设计思想,实现了相间的隔离,避免了相间故障的发生。同时,对驱动系统中的功率变换器而言,当一个或两个桥臂出现开路故障时,仅对其性能有所降低,仍能运性。正是由于其结构上可靠性运行的特点,常用在航空、航天领域以及宇宙推进系统、潜水艇推进系统、电动混合燃料汽车推动系统、电力机车牵引等领域。 小波变换是一种新型的时-频分析工具,在处理暂态非平稳信号以及对奇异信号具有提取信号故障特征的能力方面的优势,考虑到电动机故障信号检测的重要性,本文将集中精力于电动机故障信号检测方法的研究,重点研究小波分析如何应用于电机电气故障信号检测这一核心问题,讨论了各种小波函数的特性,小波基函数的构造,实际应用中小波函数的选取原则,以及信号的消噪问题,并为进一步改善故障检测性能和最终实现早期故障有效、可靠的检测进行基础性探索工作。 采用db1、db5小波基函数对永磁同步电动机的相绕组接地故障的电流故障信号进行了提取和消噪处理,通过仿真证明采用小波分析的方法完全可以实现对突变信号的故障特征提取分析。最后,对驱动电路也进行了开路和短路故障的仿真研究和分析。

【Abstract】 This paper has mostly studied the six-phase permanent magnetism synchronous motor And we have studied how to detect the electric and analyse faults in motor interior and drive circuits. Wavelet transform was adopted to study and simulate in MATLAB/Simulink. Secondly, study has been done for turn-turn short circuit faults of motor.The provided six-phase permanent magnetism synchronous motor used one phase drive one phase to design . consequently, it will ensure the insulation among phases and reduce the probability of faults coming into being . the redundance idea was adopted to improve the reliability of drive system. To drive power convertor , It will not affect the start-up and running of motor when the faults of a or many bridges come forth. Just owing to the reliable characteristic of structure, so it was used to the universe and submarine pushing systems and electromotion mixing fuel system and electric power traction fileds. And in aviation and space fields.To take into account the fundamentality of the fault signal detected, and the predominance of wavelet in time- frequency field to analyse and deal with the transient and unbalanced signals and distill signal fault characteristic. The paper will concentrate in the detecting method , The emphases is how to use wavelet analysis to motor electric fault diagnose. And discusses the characteristic of all kinds of wavelet functions and the conformation of wavelet functions, and the principle to choose in practice and the problem to eliminate noise, To improve the characteristic of fault detecting furtherly and detect reliably and effectually ,we have done much.This paper takes db1 and db5 wavelet function to diagnose the fault of phase winding and phase-ground in PMSM and to distill current signal fault characteristic and to eliminate noise . simulation has proved that the wavelet analyse can realize the fault characteristic of instantaneous signal to distill and analyse. And the same time , simulation has been taken and studied about the open-circuit and short- circuit faults in drive system.

  • 【分类号】TM341
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】845