

Filter Applied in Particulate Matter Control in Residental Environment

【作者】 谭亮亮

【导师】 沈恒根; 邹钺;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,为了改善人们的生活环境,空调广泛地应用于人们的日常生活,随着生活方式和工作形态的改变,人们越来越重视室内空气品质问题。为此国家相继出台了有关标准,对公共场所的环境空气质量进行了规定。特别是《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》(GB50019—2003)和《室内环境质量标准》(GB/T 18883-2002)等都对室内空气中的各类空气污染物提出了限值要求,其中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)的日平均值允许浓度要求小于0.15mg/m3。这意味着空调系统正在由舒适性空调向舒适性净化空调转变,而用于PM10的净化技术研究还比较有限。 本文对全国的大气环境中空气质量情况以及对上海和深圳的污染指数、污染物浓度变化情况、首要污染物进行了调查统计。采用GRIMM型气溶胶(粉尘)监测仪对上海市区办公楼室外和室内空气中的颗粒物PMX(PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0)的浓度分布情况进行了实地测试,并对PMX中各粒径尺度进行了分析,可以发现PM10中PM2.5占总质量的60%左右。因此,研究过滤材料对PMX特别是细颗粒物PM2.5、甚至PM1.0的净化效果是很有必要。 为了解目前空调中常用的过滤材料和过滤器的过滤性能,设计了用于测试过滤材料性能的实验装置和测试过滤器过滤性能的实验装置。采用GRIMM型气溶胶(粉尘)监测仪等仪器进行测试,研究对PMX的过滤特性状况以及对PM10的分级过滤效率,对在舒适性净化空调中滤料的选用提出了建议。 通过实验,测试了驻极体滤料对可吸入颗粒物PM10的分级过滤特性,比较了驻极体滤料做成过滤器以后过滤特性的变化情况。进一步对比了驻极体滤料与常用空气过滤材料分级过滤效率的不同。运用室内PMX含尘浓度稳态计算式,对比驻极体过滤器和现有过滤器应用在办公室内空调系统中对PM10的过滤效果。 通过实验,从微粒尺度、过滤速度、纤维直径、克重对影响过滤材料过滤性能的因素进行了分析。对合理配置舒适性净化空调系统中的过滤器以及在舒适性净化空调中过滤材料和过滤器在最佳风速下运行效果提出了建议。 本研究从实验角度着重研究了过滤材料及过滤器的性能,其结果对解决当前量大面广的建筑环境空气中可吸入颗粒物浓度控制问题、提高建筑环境空气质量具有指导作用和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The purpose of HVAC system is to create not only proper thermal conditions but also good indoor air quality in an occupied zone. One of the major air pollution sources is Particulate matter (PM). PM is a mixture of particles that can adversely effect human health. PM is usually divided up into different classes based on size. In general, the smallest particles pose the highest human health risks. To ensure the air quality in public places, many national codes (GB50019-2003, GB/T18883-2002, etc) have been developed and require that the average value of particles in the indoor air per day should be equal to or less than 0.15mg/m3. This requirement suggests that the application of air conditioning system is switching from comfort-oriented to comfort& purification-oriented, which brings new challenges and opportunities to the control of particles in civil air conditioning systems.A direct and feasible way to remove the particle contaminants is to use filtration devices. However, the air conditioning systems in normal Chinese buildings nowdays only have filter with low efficiency or there is no filter at all. How to design and choose the proper filtration devices is still not well understood.Many studies were therefore carried out, and the following results and conclusions can be drawn from them:The pollution situation in China is studied and existed measurement data such as pollution index, contamination concentration and main pollution source in Shanghai and Shenzhen is collected and analyzed. The particle concentration in both indoor and outdoor air of some public place in shanghai is measured. The sampling items include PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0. Measurement results shows that about 60% of total weight of PM10 is PM2.5 which means filter efficiency for particle below PM2.5 could be highly interested.Two new test apparatus are developed to test different filter materials and filter. Grade filtering efficiency and resistance are measured with different air speed. The influence of particle size, fiber diameter, density of fiber and filter airspeed are also analyzed.According to above tests, electrets filter is recommend for the application in interior building environment.A steady-state model of indoor particle concentration is presented to compare the capability of different filter device.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU831.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】563