

The Design and Simulation of Ship Comprehensive Hydraulic Propulsion

【作者】 阎欣

【导师】 陈海泉; 孙玉清;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 现代船舶逐渐向大型化、专业化、高速化方向发展,船舶的传统推进方式——柴油机直接推进逐渐表现出一些不适应其发展的缺点。为此,须探寻机动性能良好、综合性能优良的推进方式以迎合现代船舶发展的要求。随着各种先进技术的发展,电子、磁流体等技术已经应用于船舶推进装置中,先后出现了电力推进、超导电磁推进、喷水推进、液力推进等推进方式。这些推进方式相对于柴油机直接推进方式各有优点,但都存在不足。本文在分析各种推进方式的优缺点的基础上,结合液压传动技术在船舶中的应用,提出了一种新的推进方式——船舶综合液压推进,并通过分析指出该推进方式有可能成为一种具有更高性能的推进方式。 为验证船舶液压推进的可行性,根据液压传动技术确定了船舶液压综合推进系统的方案,并采用模型试验的方法,建立实物模型对船舶综合液压推进方式进行试验研究。通过结合相似理论和相关方法,利用量纲分析法确定螺旋桨模型的相似准则,采用惯性块连接液压泵来模拟螺旋桨:并采用电动机代替柴油机作为实验系统的主机,以模拟船舶液压推进装置设计了一台物理模拟试验机,为船舶液压推进的进一步研究奠定了试验基础。 结合功率流理论,采用功率键合图法建立船舶液压推进系统中的液压系统数学模型,并根据主机和船桨特性分别建立了主机和船桨系统的数学模型,以构成船舶液压推进系统模型。基于Matlab/Simulink进行仿真实验,仿真结果表明:船舶液压推进是一种性能优良的推进方式,并为进一步研究确定了理论依据。 最后对课题的研究作了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern shipping towards macro-scale operation technology, specialization and speed-up, as the traditional propulsion mode, the diesel propulsion mode can not appeal to the modern shipping, so that new propulsion mode with good maneuverability and performance are urgently needed to meet the demands of modern shipping. Afterwards, ship electric propulsion, superconducting electromagnetic propulsion, water-jet propulsion and hydraulic propulsion are proposed, where electronic technology and magnetic fluid technology are applied into shipping propulsion devices. However, these drive mode show some deficiencies. Thus, in this paper, the ship hydraulic drive with great potential is presented, with analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each drive mode and applying the fluid drive technology into shipping.Based on ship propulsion principles and the hydraulic propulsion technology, a system design plan of the ship hydraulic propulsion is established, and a physical model is designed to validate its feasibility, with the method of model test. The similarity criterion of screw propeller model is determined by the method of dimensional analysis, and inertia mass is selected to simulate the screw propeller;the diesel is substituted by the electromotor as the main engine. Then, a suit of experimental devices is established for studying further the ship hydraulic propulsion.With combining the power flow principle, the hydraulic system model of the ship hydraulic drive system is proposed by the Power Bond Graph. The main engine and screw propeller model are proposed according to their performances. Then, the hydraulic drive system model is presented. Simulation experiments by Matlab/Simulink is conducted, and the results indicate that the ship hydraulic drive in is a drive mode with good performance, which provides the theoretical base for developing further the ship hydraulic drive. At last, the research is summarized and prospected in this paper.

  • 【分类号】U664.3
  • 【被引频次】9
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