

Study of Cultural Default in Translation

【作者】 王军平

【导师】 高瑜;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译中的文化缺省是指作品中作者与其意向读者所共享的文化背景知识的缺省。在写作时,作者通过留下一些语义空白,一方面可以节约笔墨,达到简洁的目的,另一方面,也给读者提供一个在探索中享受文学意境的空间,从而让读者积极地参与到作品中去。而读者则通过激发自己的文化背景知识来填充缺省留下的空位,获得语意连贯,进而欣赏到作品的美学价值。但作为跨文化交际主要手段的翻译,其目标读者由于文化背景的差异,不在原作者的意向读者之列,所以没有相应的背景知识来填充空位,也就不可能获得连贯的理解。因此文化缺省现象对译者而言,是一个巨大的挑战。本文对文化缺省现象进行了系统的分析和研究。在研究中首先对文化缺省的各种功能进行了剖析,进而通过研究文化缺省所导致的各种翻译问题,总结出了几种常见的错误与不足之处。要解决这些问题,作者认为译者必须具备端正的翻译态度,高超的跨文化语言能力。在上述研究的基础上,根据认知语用学的关联理论,作者创造性地构建了文化缺省翻译的理论模型,明确地提出了文化缺省翻译的动态递进观,并将文化缺省的翻译归结为三个层次,即文化移植,文化注解和文化省略。这三个层次是一个动态递进的过程。具体章节分布如下:第一章:首先讨论了语言,翻译,文化三者的关系,明确了翻译所处的位置,进而提出了翻译的文化功能,即传递介绍文化以促进文化发展,明确了本文的研究目的及意义。第二章:对文化缺省进行了一个比较系统的研究,从定义、分类到各个具体的功能,作者从语篇结构、语用功能、美学价值等三大方面对文化缺省进行了探讨。第三章:作者分析并列出了由于文化缺省而引发的翻译问题,指出文化缺省的翻译问题主要来自于两个大的方面:一方面是由于译者对于目标读者的文化接受能力和水平估计不当从而导致过度或者欠额翻译;另一个方面是由于文化预设干扰而导致的文化误读。作者认为,要克服这些问题,译者不仅要有精通两种语言的能力,还要是双文化的专家。第四章:借助于语用学的关联理论,作者深入探讨了翻译的实质,并创造性地将关联理论框架下的翻译模型,即代码模式和推理模式,应用于文化缺省的翻译。同时指出:对于文化缺省的翻译,应该按以下的方式操作,即如果字面意思相同而且会话隐含相同,则完全直译;如果隐含意义部分相同,则用直译加注;如果字面意思同而隐含意义不同,则采取意译。这是一个动态的过程,文化缺省的翻译应该按照从意译到直译加注最终完全直译,这个过程有赖于文化交流的深入,同时也是一个促进文化交流渗

【Abstract】 Cultural default refers to the absence of the cultural background knowledge shared by an author and his intended readers. As a matter of fact, the author always leaves many semantic vacancies in his writing for economy’s sake. On the other hand, he creates opportunities for intended readers to actively participate and appreciate the aesthetic value in his work. On the reader’s part, the relevant cultural background knowledge is activated to fill in the vacancies left by the author. As for the target readers of translation, they are not the intended readers of the original writer. So they can not obtain coherent understanding. In this case, cultural default is regarded as a great challenge to translators.This paper presents a systematic study of cultural default, which begins with a complete analysis of its functions, followed by a discussion on various kinds of problems caused by cultural default, and on the basis of which, several factors contributing to these problems are concluded. To solve these problems mentioned above, the author argues that a translator must take a proper attitude toward the cultural function of translation and must be an expert, both bilingual and bicultural. Based on what is discussed above, the author, through the application of the Relevance Theory, creatively formulates a theoretical model for the translation of cultural default, and definitely proposes a dynamic and progressive viewpoint in translating cultural default. Furthermore, the author divides the translation of cultural default into three steps, namely, cultural transplantation, cultural annotation and cultural omission, which, in a dynamic process, should follow the procedure from cultural omission to cultural annotation and then to cultural transplantation.Outline in each chapter is as follows:Chapter One begins with a discussion on relations between language, culture and translation, and then presents the purpose and significance of this research.Chapter Two, the author attempts to make a systematic analysis of cultural default, including its definition, classification and its specific functions. Then great attention is paid to the textual coherence, pragmatic values and aesthetic values of cultural default.Chapter Three lists various kinds of problems in translation caused by cultural default, from which the author concludes: problems are the undertranslation or overtranslation resulting from the translator’s incompetence in evaluating the target reader’s receptive abilities, and the mistranslation caused by cultural presupposition. To solve these problems, translators must be an expert, both bilingual and bicultural.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1469