

【作者】 刘寒秋

【导师】 李凭力; 齐旭东;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 化学工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 原油蒸馏装置的设计及操作的好坏对于炼油企业十分重要。近年来国内外原油蒸馏装置依靠技术进步,在装置工艺流程、节能及自动控制等方面均有不同发展。其中以工艺过程机理模型为基础,采用数学方法对化工工艺过程进行模拟的技术在此过程中发挥了重要作用。本文采用化工模拟软件Aspen Plus对锦州石化公司350万吨/年的常减压装置进行了模拟,得到了原油蒸馏过程各塔的操作数据,其中包括整个装置的物料平衡数据、消耗定额,也包括初馏塔和常压塔的温度分布、压力分布及气液相分布,并将模拟计算产品的实沸点数据与标定结果进行了对比。结果表明,总物料平衡及各塔操作条件与实际数据的误差小于5%,馏程50%以前的实沸点模拟温度与实际数据相差较小,流程50%以后的实沸点模拟温度与实际数据相差较大,同时模拟误差随着模拟流程的延伸不断扩大,但总体上模拟结果与实际数据相吻合。本文还对模拟计算灵敏度进行了分析,考察了塔顶馏出物及汽提蒸气量对拔出率的影响,结果表明拔出率随着初馏塔和常压塔塔顶馏出物的增加而增加,随常压塔蒸气量和侧线汽提量的增加而增加。本文的模拟结果为锦州石化公司350万吨/年原油蒸馏装置优化方案的确定奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 The design and operation of distillation equipment of crude oil is critical topetrochemical companies.In the recent years,technology process,saving energy andautocontrol in distillation of crude oil attain huge development by technologydevelopment.Chemical process simulation play an importment role in this process.Chemical process simulation is based on mechanism of unit operation and it adoptmathematical method to simulate chemical technology process.In this paper ,35million/a atmospheric and vacuum distillation equipment of Jinzhou petrochemicalcompany is simulated using simulation software Aspen Plus.The operation data ofevery tower in crude oil distillation process is attained, including material balancedata of overall equipment,consume ratio,temperature distribution,pressure distributionand vapor-liquid equilibrium results. BP datas of simulation product is also comparedwith demarcated data. It shows that the error between simulation data and actual datain overall material balance and operation of every tower is below 5%.The discrepancybetween simulation PB data before 50% flow sheet and actual data is small while thatafter 50% is large. And the discrepancy increases along the simulation process.Butsimulation results accord with actual data in general. The sensitiveness of simulationis also studies in this paper.It shows that overall evulsion ration increases when theoverhead of early-distillation tower and atmospheric distillation increase. Increase ofvapor of atmospheric tower and sidetrack vapor extraction an also leads to rise ofoverall evulsion ration .The simulation results in this paper will play an important rolefor establishing operation optimizing scheme of 35 million t/a crude oil distillationequipment in Jinzhou petrochemical company.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】TE624.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】854