

Research on Feasibility and Manufacturing Technique of Heating Bending SSAW Pipeline

【作者】 纪美术

【导师】 杜则裕; 冯斌;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 材料工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 弯管是长距离油气输送管道的重要组成部分。长距离输气管道将通过许多地形复杂、气候条件恶劣的地区,因此在管道敷设中需要使用大量大口径弯管。弯管在使用中受力状态复杂,且弯管在弯制过程中工艺难度大,影响其质量性能的因素较多,弯管的制造及其质量(包括力学性能和尺寸极限偏差两方面)的优劣,直接影响到油气输送管道的安全、可靠性和投资经济效益。我国当前正面临着几条大型管道的建设,中国石油管道局作为管道工程设计施工的主要单位,目前正在承担忠武管道工程的建设,并将承担中哈国际管道工程等项目的建设。在这些工程中都要使用螺旋缝焊管,因此管道局立项对控轧钢螺旋焊缝钢管热煨弯管技术进行研究。本文对螺旋缝焊管焊缝受力特点及弯制弯管的理论可行性进行了分析。由于螺旋缝焊管的焊缝与轴线方向成一定角度,避开了主应力的方向,致使螺旋焊缝所受的拉应力比直缝小得多。试验结果证实了采用直缝管热煨弯管工艺对螺旋缝焊管进行弯制弯管是可行的。本文还对螺旋缝焊管制造热煨弯管的影响因素与控制要素进行了研究。通过对直缝管热煨弯管与螺旋缝焊管热煨弯管的对比分析可以得到螺旋缝焊管制造热煨弯管的影响因素与控制要素主要为:弯制工艺方法、感应加热温度、送料速度、冷却速度等。在螺旋缝焊管热煨弯管试验研究中,当加热温度为790~1020℃范围内,推进速度为0.72mm/min或0.69mm/min时,螺旋缝焊管热煨弯管焊缝的抗拉强度、硬度以及冲击功与弯制前相比变化不大,抗拉强度、硬度略有降低,冲击功略有提高。通过对螺旋缝焊管热煨弯管试验研究和质量性能分析,其各项性能均能达到《忠武输气管道工程用螺旋缝钢管试制热煨弯管技术规定》的性能指标要求。说明螺旋缝焊管热煨弯管可以应用到忠武管线工程中,也为以后应用于其他管线工程奠定了技术基础。

【Abstract】 Bends are the important parts in the long distance pipeline of oil and gas. Longdistance pipeline of oil and gas will go through many regions of complex landformand villainous climate. So when tubing many bends of large caliber will be used.Bends have complex stress in use. Bends are difficult in technology in the course ofbending and have many factors of affecting quality ability. The manufacture andquality of bends affect directly on the security and reliability and economic effect ofinvestment. Now our country is facing several large pipeline. As the principalcompany of pipeline engineering, CNPC is taking on the zhongxian-wuhan pipeline,and will take international pipelines. In all the engineering SSAW pipeline will beused. So CNPC decides to research on the technique of heating bending SSAWpipeline.In this paper the author analyses the speciality of strength in welded seam ofSSAW pipeline and theoretic feasibility of bending. The welded seam of SSAWpipeline has an angle with axis, and wards off the direction of major stress. So thetensile stress in welded seam of SSAW is much letter than that of UOE. The testingresult confirms that it is feasibility to bend SSAW pipeline using the technique ofheating bending UOE pipeline.In this paper the author studies the influencing factors and controlling factors ofheating bending of SSAW pipeline. By means of comparison of SSAW and UOEheating bending, the influencing factors and controlling factors of heating bending ofSSAW pipeline are: bending method, induction heating temperature, feeding speedand cooling speed.In the study of heating bending of SSAW pipeline, when heating temperature isin the range of 790~1020℃ and feeding speed is 0.72mm/min or 0.69mm/min, thetensile strength and hardness and impact work have a little change in the weldingseam. The tensile strength and hardness are lower a little and impact work increases alittle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 07期
  • 【分类号】TG386
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】230