

Research and Control of Oil Gas Water Three Phase Facility

【作者】 赵兵

【导师】 张涛;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 多相流实验装置是研究油气水多相流问题的重要手段,无论是在理论问题研究还是在工程实际研究中均占有重要的地位。多相流实验装置以小型室内实验装置为主,它广泛存在于各个多相流研究机构中。正因为如此,天津大学自动化学院检测技术与自动化装置专业也于2003年开始筹建小型油气水三相流装置。本着投资少、功能强的思路,本论文对油气水三相流实验装置各部分设计及控制系统进行了深入的研究。该装置具有0-90度可调角度模拟井筒实验段和DN50管径40m长水平环管实验段; 可实现水气、油气、油水、油气水多种多相流; 可生成泡状流、弹状流、混状流、环状流、雾状流等多种流型。装置的单相计量管排采用了组合仪表测量方式,该方式保证了流量计均在正常流量段工作,提高了计量精度、降低了成本。实验装置建成后水计量精度在0.5-380 m3/d范围内达到±0.5%,油计量精度在0.5-216 m3/d范围内达到±0.5%,气计量精度在6-5400 m~3/d范围内达到±1.0%,保证了实验的要求。油气水三相流实验装置的控制系统采用了PC-BASED系统,控制系统硬件由工控机与数据采集卡组成,这种结构有利于系统数据快速传输,且易于扩展,为装置的使用带来了方便。控制系统的上位控制软件由组态软件MCGS与Visual Basic混合编程实现,MCGS开发控制软件的界面,Visual Basic处理系统采集的信号,两者通过专用接口完成通讯。这种独特的开发模式缩短了软件开发周期,降低了开发成本,提高了软件的适用性。油气水三相流实验系统建成后流量调节精度达到1.5%,压力源的稳定性不确定度小于1%,且能够完成长时间连续实验。油气水三相流实验装置可以在实验室内完成石油开采、输运模拟和多相流流型的检测、识别与多相流流量计的实验研究和标定等多项工作,是一套小型多功能、低成本的小型实验装置。

【Abstract】 Multi-phase facility is a very important method for the study of multi-phase flow problem, either for theoretical study or for practical study. Nowadays most of Multi-phase facilities are in miniature. They are widely existed in multi-phase research organizations. Because of these, an Oil-water-Gas multi-phase facility was planned to build at Automatic Meters & Devices department, School of Electrical Engineering & Automation of Tianjin University in 2003. On the premise of lower cost and more powerful function, every part of the Oil-Water-Gas multi-phase facility and its control system was studied in this paper. The facility had a stimulant oil well, which can incline from 0-90 degree, and had 40m horizontal pipe, which diameter was 50mm. At this facility, water/gas, oil/gas, oil/water, oil/gas/water multiphase flow can be obtained, and bubble, slug, annular, churn and mist flow patterns can be created. In the project, a combination meter is contrived to measure the single-phase flux, by this mean,every flow meter in the facility’s pipe line worked in its normal flux range, the accuracy was raised and the cost was reduced. After the facility accomplished, the water measurement accuracy can get to ±0.5% in the range of 0.5-380 m3/d; the oil measurement accuracy can get to ±0.5% in the range of 0.5-380 m3/d; And the gas measurement accuracy can get to ±1.0% in the range of 6-5400 m3/d. In the design, PC-BASED control system was used to control the multi-phase facility. Its hardware is Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) and data collection boards. This configuration could provide speedy data transfer and extend easily. Its software is developed by general configuration software Monitor and Control Generated System (MCGS) and Visual Basic. MCGS performed the interfaces and Visual Basic performed data processing, and they communicate with a special interface. This compounding program method can shorten development period and reduce the cost. After the facility accomplished, its flux adjusted accuracy can get to 1.5% and the pressure source’s stability uncertainty less than 1%, what is more, the facility can process long time experiments. The Oil-Water-Gas multiphase facility can simulate petroleum exploitation and pipeline transfers, identify the multi-phase modality and demarcate multi-phase flow meter in the laboratory. It is a multi-function low-cost mini type facility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】TQ051
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】522