

Preparation of Fuscous Ceramic Film on Magnesium Alloy by Microarc Oxidation and Study of Corrosion Resisting Property

【作者】 王卫锋

【导师】 蒋百灵;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 材料学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 微弧氧化技术在铝合金表面已可制备多种颜色陶瓷膜,而在镁合金表面仅能制备出白色陶瓷膜,急需研发出不同颜色的深色氧化陶瓷膜。本文从溶液体系出发,通过研究电解质的作用,不同电解质间的配比,改变溶液电导率、pH值等,研制出了适合于镁合金深色微弧氧化陶瓷膜制备的溶液配方,进而研究了溶液浓度和工艺参数对制备深色氧化陶瓷膜的影响,后期对不同颜色的陶瓷膜的耐蚀性进行了研究,并借助于EDS和XPS等方法分析并探讨了不同颜色陶瓷膜层显色机理。 实验表明,在NaOH-Na2SiO3-C6H5OH-NH4VO3体系溶液中,当浓度比为50:15:3:5,55:30:4:20时可制备出绿色系列和棕色系列的陶瓷膜层,且膜层色度变化随电参数的增加而变深,前者在电压为350~450V,电流密度0.8~2.0A/dm2可制备出绿色陶瓷膜;后者在电压为350~450V,1.2~2.4A/dm2可制备出棕色陶瓷膜,时间为5~30min的膜层色度较好。温度30~45℃最佳,但电压、电流过大、温度过高会导致膜层质量不高。 盐雾腐蚀结果表明,350~450V制备的绿色和棕色陶瓷膜经120h盐雾腐蚀比白色陶瓷膜耐蚀性要好,但棕色的耐蚀性更优于绿色陶瓷膜。电流密度在1.2~2.8A/dm2制备的绿色陶瓷膜、0.4~2.0A/dm2下制备的棕色陶瓷膜表现良好的耐蚀性。 分析表明,随电压升高,膜层中钒、硅、氧的含量逐渐增多,镁、铝的含量逐渐减少,膜层中主要以氧化镁、氧化硅、氧化钒等混合物的形式存在,绿色陶瓷膜中钒以V2O3和VO2的形式存在,棕色膜层中钒的氧化物除V2O3和VO2外,还有少量的V2O5,且膜层中这些氧化物含量的不同引起了膜层色度的变化,其中氧化钒是色度改变的主要因素。

【Abstract】 Multipurpose fuscous ceramic films on aluminium-alloy have been obtained by MAO. Therefore, different fuscous one on magnesium-alloy is needed greatly to develop because of only white ceramic film recently. Different solution systems are studied from character of MAO electrolyte, solution’s conductance, pH value and ratio between different electrolytes. A new optimal electrolyte’s directions is obtained for magnesium-alloy by trial and error and the effect of the fuscous ceramic films is studied by altering electrolyte’s ratio and controlling different technics parameter. Then corrosion resisting property is studied for different chroma ceramic films too. Finally mechanisms of different chroma ceramic films are discussed by the way of EDS and XPS.The experiments show that the preparation of green or brown ceramic films is obtained when the ratio of concentration is 50:15:3:5, 55:30:4:20 in NaOH-Na2SiO3-C6H5OH-NH4VO3 solutions. Fuscous ceramic films are altered as changing voltage, current, time and temperature. The better ceramic films are obtained when voltage is between 350V and 450V, and current density is between 0.8A/dm2and 2.0A/dm2 for green ceramic films and is between 1.2A/dm2 and 2.4A/dm2 for brown ones, time is between 5 and 20min, and temperature is between 30 and 45℃ .Otherwise is worse.The result of corrosion 5%NaCl by 120h corrosion experiments shows that the green and brown ceramic films between 350 and 450V is better in corrosion resisting than white ones, and brown ones is better green ones. The corrosion resisting property is better when current density is between 1.2A/dm2 and 2.8 A/dm2 for green ones, is between 0.4A/dm2 and2.0A/dm2 for brown ones.The analysis shows that the content of vanadium, silicon and oxygen is increased gradually, and that of magnesium and aluminum is dropped off in the ceramic films as voltage is increased. And exist mainly magnesia, silicon oxide and vanadium oxide in the ceramic films. The vanadium of green ceramic film is exist V2O3 and VO2,but that of brown ones is exist a little of V2O3 besides V2O3 and VO2. the different content of these oxide leads to come into being different chroma ceramic films, and vanadium’s oxide is mainly cause for altering film’s chroma. The study is sponsored by the national 10th five year science and technology plan for tackling key problem (2001BA311A06-3), and 863 plan item (2002AA331120).

  • 【分类号】TG174
  • 【被引频次】5
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