

Research of Web Synthesis Query Subsystem of Power Supply Enterprise ERP System

【作者】 李永新

【导师】 范孝良; 黄卫民;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 工业工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先介绍了企业ERP系统概念及发展阶段,分析了电力企业ERP的特点,指出了大亚湾现有供电ERP的优缺点。针对现有客户端/服务器(C/S)模式ERP系统中大量有价值数据不能实现完全共享,无法充分利用现有数据资源和网络资源的问题,提出了开发Web综合查询系统的构想,说明了开发浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式的Web综合查询系统的必要性和重要性。本文按照系统分析、系统方案的确定、系统设计和系统实现的顺序对系统开发过程中涉及的查询数据生成和查询结果表达两方面内容进行了较为深入和全面的探讨,对一些重点、难点问题给出了流程图或实现代码。Web综合查询系统以.Net框架为基础,采用ASP. Net和ADO. Net技术进行开发,系统架构合理、实现简单,体现了基于.Net平台开发B/S模式数据库应用的优越性。

【Abstract】 This paper first introduced concepts and seedtimes of (power supply) business Enterprise ResourcePlanning(ERP), analyzed the characteristic of power supply business ERP ,pointed out its existenceshortages and excellences. There are massively valuable data in ERP that cannot be completely shared formost of the existence ERP is Client/Server pattern. In view of the above fact, the paper proposed plan ofdeveloping web synthesis query system in Browser/Server pattern, explained the necessity and importance.In the order of system analysis, system plan, system design and system realization, the query datageneration and query result express are thoroughly discussed. To some key and difficult problem, flowchart or the realization code is presented. The system developed based on .Net framework using ASP.Netand ADO.Net that made the constructor is more reasonable and realization is simpler. The realization of thesystem manifested the superiority in developing B/S database application based on .Net framework..

【关键词】 供电ERP系统综合查询B/S模式.Net框架
【Key words】 ERPsynthesis queryB/S.Net framework
  • 【分类号】TP319
  • 【下载频次】95