

Test and Popularisition on Controlon Pest in Vegetable and Medlar with Biopesticide BtA

【作者】 曹瑾

【导师】 张兴;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种植, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 蔬菜和枸杞作为宁夏的优势特色产业,发展速度相当迅速,但化学农药残留超标却成为阻碍蔬菜和枸杞两大产业发展的瓶颈。为此深入研究试验示范以BtA为代表的生物农药综合防治技术,对控制蔬菜和枸杞等作物病虫危害,提高农产品品质,促进农业可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。经过3年研究和初步推广,已取得明显的经济和生态效益,主要结果如下: (1)室内毒力测定结果表明:生物农药天霸(BtA)对小菜蛾2龄幼虫具有较好的毒杀作用,其600倍液浸叶饲喂小菜蛾5天后校正死亡率可达98.83%。。 (2)甘蓝小菜蛾的防治试验表明:天霸600、800、1000倍液各浓度对小菜蛾都有显著的防治效果。药后第5天,防治效果明显优于常规药剂速灭杀丁和辛硫磷,800倍液的防效达到91.35%,虽然其速效较差,但其药效持续时间长,至12天仍有88.55%以上的防治效果,可以初步确定经济型的使用浓度应为800倍左右。 (3)BtA生物农药防治蔬菜蚜虫药效试验表明:天霸800倍液对番茄上的蚜虫有很好的防治效果,至12天仍有77%以上的防治效果,最长控治期达25天以上。 (4)BtA生物农药防治枸杞蚜虫药效试验表明:天霸800倍液对枸杞蚜虫有很好的防治效果,且药效期较长,药后12天还能具备80%以上的防效。 (5)BtA生物农药在蔬菜、枸杞中残留测定结果表明:天霸800倍液药后第1、第2天检测,残留量极低,至第三天残留量测定已检测不出。 (6)BtA生物农药对天敌种群结构的影响调查结果表明:所选甘蓝菜地,其优势害虫种群为蚜虫和小菜蛾,天敌主要是粉蝶绒茧蜂,随着气温的升高,蚜虫、小菜蛾和粉蝶绒茧蜂的优势度加大。与吡虫啉相比,BtA对天敌的杀伤要小。 (7)在药效试验的基础上,根据宁夏蔬菜、枸杞主要害虫发生规律,结合生产实际,总结出了经济适用、推广性强的以BtA为主体的无公害防治技术,研究出了一套无公害优化防治措施,并制定了防治方案。建立了BtA生物农药应用示范基地1200亩,产生了较好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,从而促进了宁夏无公害农业的进一步发展。

【Abstract】 As Ningxia hui nationality autonomous region’s specialty and preponderant industry, the speed of vegetable and medlar development is quite rapid. But the agrochemical’s residue exceeded the criterion and as a bottleneck, it has blocked the vegetable and Medlar - - the two main industry’s development. So it is extremely vital to made a deep study and demonstration of biorational pesticide integrated pest management as represented by BtA. Furthermore, it is also vital to control plant diseases and insect pests of vegetable and medlar, improves the quality of farm produce and promotes the agriculture of sustainable development. After 3 years research and primary demonstration, we have achieved obvious economic and ecological benefit. The main results are as follows:(1) Bioassay of Tianba (BtA) against Plutella xylostella showed : biorational pesticide Tianba (BtA)’s activity is higer than Fenvalerate and Phoxim. The corrected mortality of 600 times of Tianba (BtA) against Plutella xylostella after 5 day reached 98.83%.(2) The results of field trials of Tianba (BtA) against Plutella xylostella showed: the 600 times ,800 times, 1200 times of Tianba (BtA) had obvious control efficacy .Their activity after 5 day is higer than regular pesticide Fenvalerate and Phoxim. The corrected mortality of 800 times of Tianba (BtA) against Plutella xylostella after 5 day reached 91.35%. Although its quick result is not so good, their extended control efficacy is good , 800 times of Tianba (BtA)’s control effect was more than 88.55% after 12 day of spraying .So we can arrive at a conclusion: the economical concentration of Tianba (BtA) is about 800 times..(3) The results of field trials of Tianba (BtA) against aphids showed: the 800 times of Tianba (BtA) had an obvious control efficacy, its control effect was 77% after 12 day of spraying .the longest control time was above 25 days.(4) The results of field trials of Tianba (BtA) against medlar aphids showed: the 800 times of Tianba (BtA) had an obvious control efficacy, and its extended control efficacy is good, was more than 80% after 12 day of spraying .(5) The result of biorational pesticide Tianba (BtA)’s residue on vegetable and medlar showed :At concentration 800 times,the residue dosage was quite small after 1 day and 2 days of spraying, after 3 days of spraying , Tianba (BtA) can’t be detected.(6) The investigation result of biorational pesticide Tianba (BtA) effect on natural enemy tribe showed: Tianba (BtA) and Imidacloprid can reduce the quantity of natural enemy tribe,but Tianba (BtA)’s protection to preponderant natural enemy is better than Imidacloprid. Attention : The preponderant pest in cabbage field is aphids and Plutella xylostella, the natural enemy is Apanteles bicolor Nees..With the temperature raise, aphids ,Plntella xylostella and Apanteles bicolor Nees.’s preponderant grade become large.(7) On the basis of field trial, according to the main pest’s occurring rule of vegetable and medlar on Ningxia , associated with production and practice , we summarized an economical , popularized and biorational control technology as represented by Tianba (BtA), developed an optimized biorational measure and established control scheme. Biorational pesticide Tianba (BtA) demonstrated base brought beneficial economic benefit,social benefit and ecological benefit,and it also accelerated the further development of biorational agriculture of Ningxia.

【关键词】 生物农药BtA防治害虫试验示范
【Key words】 Biopesticide BtAControlPestPopularisition
  • 【分类号】S436.3;S435.671
  • 【下载频次】424