

Studies on Effect of Gree-Plant-Protection Technique Popularization in Yinchuan District

【作者】 张力

【导师】 王惠;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业推广, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对食物的需求开始由数量型向质量型转变,越来越注重食品的安全性、科学性和经济性。为此我国启动了“安全食品计划”,并实施了农产品从“农田到餐桌”全过程质量安全控制。但实际上由于市场、政府支持政策、检测体系完善程度以及农业技术推广服务体系等因素的影响,在农业生产中,无公害农产品植保技术并未真正落实贯彻执行。为力使无公害植保技术尽快得到推广应用,对影响无公害植保技术推广应用的因素进行调查研究十分必要。本论文主要对银川地区无公害植保技术使用的影响因素进行了调查分析,得出以下结论: 1、根据试验比较,生物农药比化学农药防效慢,且成本高,是生物农药难以大面积推广的障碍因素之一。加强耕作栽培技术可减轻病虫害的发生和扩散,减少农药的使用,提高无公害农产品的质量。 2、通过对八个主要障碍因子排序的结果可知,推广经费缺乏是阻碍银川地区无公害植保技术推广最主要的障碍因素。由于经费短缺,技术人员的工作条件差,手段落后,工作效率低。由于经费不足,科技人员下基层的利益得不到保证,工作积极性受挫,主观上缺乏服务创新源动力,造成植保技术信息传播不力。 3、政府重视程度不足,也是无公害植保技术得不到大力推广的一个制约因素。政府没有把无公害植保技术作为重要推广工作内容,推广机构的技术力量不足,从事蔬菜和植保专业的技术人员严重缺乏,不能满足生产发展的需求。同时政府用于无公害植保技术推广资会投入严重不足,技术人员在推广工作中缺乏资金支持和激励机制,使得无公害植保技术向下传输受阻。 4、银川地区农民文化素质低和技术人员的主动性欠缺,是银川地区植保技术不能很好推广的另一制约因素。农民文化素质普遍较低,绝大部分农民没有接受过农业技术培训,直接导致其对农业科学知识理解不透,掌握应用现代化科学技术能力弱、速度慢,目光短浅,只考虑经济效益,只要求快速见效,不考虑对环境的影响,影响了无公害植保技术的应用和传播。另外技术员不能主动进行经常性或全程性技术服务,导致植保技术供需脱节,迫使农民以人际传播形式获取植保知识。这正是银川地区无公害植保技术传播形式不是以组织传播为主,而是

【Abstract】 Green food has been paid attention increasingly in our country with the rise of living standard of people. To ensure the green food to be produced, Our government has started a food safety program and taken a series of measurements. One of the measurements is to let a green-plant-protection technique become popular. But it is difficult to be applied in Yinchuan district. Thus it is necessary to survey the reasons. This paper reported the result of a study on effect factors of green plant protection technique popularization in Yinchuan district.1. According to test, it is slower for bio-pesticide to become efficient and it cost higher than chemicals. This is an effect factor for popularization of green-plant-protection technique in Yinchuan district.2. In the eight effective factors studied, invest was found to be a main factor to block the popularization of the green-plant-protection technique. Since the shortage of money, technicians worked in a poor condition, they can not work efficiently. And because the shortage of money, they can not get benefit from their work in farm. So they have no sufficient activity in their work. This resulted in inefficience on the whole popularization of green-plant-protection technique in Yinchuan district.3. Local government has not pay sufficient attention in popularization of green-plant-protection technique. Number of technicians with special knowledge of plant protection are very low. This lead to the farmers have very little chance to meet technicians and to get the necessary information. Capital shortage also blocks technicians to lean new technique and to spread it.4. Farmers in Yinchuan district are short of knowledge and technicians lack activity. A large number of farmers have never accepted training, this resulted in their low ability to understand and use new knowledge. And they considered a short-term goal (economic benefit), instead of a long-run goal( environmental ecological balance), as the main factor, Thus the popularization was blocked. On the other hand, technicians have no motility, they do not work actively, and things could not be done well. This situation makes the farmer to get information mainly from farmers themselves, not from the technicians. Since the information exchange between farmers is in a lower level, the spread of green -plant-protection technique in Yinchuan district is in a lower level too.5. Policy, which are well done or not, effect the agriculture directly. There are has no serious permission policy for farm products. Vegatable apply was seams inorder. This effects farmers to producegreen food.It can be seen that the measure must be taken by government on the spread of green -plant-protection technique in Yinchuan district, to invest much to move technicians to work efficiently, and to train farmers to accept new technique. Green -plant-protection technique can be popularized smoothly.

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