

Study on Agricuial Economy Sustainable Development in Baqiao District, Xi’an City

【作者】 徐锋

【导师】 李世平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业推广, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 中国农业可持续发展的探讨已有二十多年历史,中国是一个发展中国家,选择可持续发展是中国社会经济发展的必然。农业和农村的可持续发展,是中国可持续发展的根本保证和优先领域。灞桥区是西安市郊区,通过对灞桥区二十多年来农业经济发展的成绩和问题的研究,证明只有走可持续发展道路,农业和农村经济才能快速发展。 本文首先总结了改革开放后,灞桥区农业和农村经济结构经过四次调整,取得的成就。同时对2000年前的几次调整进行了分析,这几次调整都是在农产品供不应求的情况下进行的,调整的目的是解决众多人口的基本需求,调整的政策也是围绕总量增加来协调不同品种之间的资源配置,对农业和农村经济发展的一些深层次问题根本无力顾及,现在面临的是农产品供过于求,价格持续下跌,农民增收困难,二、三产业比例过低,城镇化水平滞后,劳动力就业不合理,资源优势未能转化成产业优势,技术创新能力差,农村劳动力素质低,农村基础设施落后等问题。今后结构调整是要全面提高农产品品质,优化农村区域布局,实现可持续发展,实现城乡协调发展,立足于农业和农村经济的长远发展,始终保持农业和农村经济的发展势头。 灞桥区农业今后的发展方面主要根据地域特点,按可持续发展理论,走“都市生态农业”发展模式进行,才能实现农业经济、社会、生态功能的协调发展,逐步消除城乡二元结构,实现全市区域内和谐。本文提出了灞桥区南郊塬区构建以果、林、一村一品手工业为主的消闲观光农业示范园;东部山区构建以乡镇企业和发展杂果相结合产业示范园;北部冲击平原构建以龙头企业带动畜牧、渔业、无公害日光蔬菜示范园国;部构建城郊型农业综合示范园等四种模式。都市生态农业的发展需要在政府的统一领导、规划的基础上进行,必须加强政策支持发挥政府职能,提高对农业投入,加大农业科技含量,加强基础设施建设,改善农业生态环境,提高农民素质。本文最后就如何解决农业经济资金紧,发展难的问题提出了六条解决的办法,可做为各级政府参考。 本论文共分五个部分: 第一部分、说明论文选题的现实意义、国内外研究动态和论文的基本框架。 第二部分、主要介绍可持续发展理论和可持续农业理论思想的建立、基本内涵、生态农业的概念及其模式等。 第三部分、介绍西安市灞桥区农业经济发展的现状分析。包括:灞桥区自然社会经济概括和农村经济结构调整的四个阶段,对灞桥区农业经济结构调整的变化进行分析,提出了农业经济调整的具体措施。说明灞桥区农业经济发展只能走可持续发展道路。

【Abstract】 The discussion history of Chinese agriculture sustainable development is more than 20 years. China is a developing nation and it is necessity of social economy development in China to choose the sustainable development. The agricultural & countryside sustainable development is the basic guarantee and priority domain for sustainable development in China. Baqiao District is located in the east suburb of Xi’an City. Via studying the achievements and existing problems of over 20-year agricultural economy development in Baqiao District it is proven that only insisting on the orientation of sustainable development, the agriculture and rural economy can fast develop.This article firstly summarizes the achievement obtained in Baqiao District via four-time adjustment of agriculture and the rural economy structure after reform and opening-up. Meanwhile, the article analyzes several adjustments before 2000. All the adjustments were carried out in the situation that the agricultural products couldn’t meet the demand. The adjustment purpose was to solve the basic demand of multitudinous population. The adjustment policy was also to coordinate the resources configuration between different varieties according to increment of total output. Some vital problems occurred in the development of agricultural and the rural economy were not taken into account.The current problems are as follows: The supply of exceeds the demand, the price of agricultural products continues to fall and the farmers are difficult to get benefit from agricultural products. The proportion of second & tertiary industries is excessively low, lag of urbanization level, unreasonable employment, unable to transform the resources superiority into industrial superiority, poor technical innovation ability, lower quality of rural labor force and backward countryside infrastructure, etc. From now on, the structure adjustment is to overally enhance the quality of agricultural product, optimize the layout of countryside region, realize the sustainable development, realize the city and countryside coordinated development, pay more attention to long term development of agriculture and the rural economy and always maintain the development tendency of agriculture and the rural economy.Baqiao District can carry out the coordinating development of agricultural economy,society & ecology function, gradually eliminate the urban & rural dual structure and realize the harmony in the whole city mainly according to the regional characteristic, the sustainable development theory and "metropolis ecological agriculture" mode in the development afterwards. This article has proposed four development modes of the leisure sightseeing agricultural demonstration park mainly with fruit forest and one handicraft industry product in a village should be set up in Nanjiao plateau of Baqiao District. Its eastern mountainous area should be an industrial demonstration park with rural enterprises and the development of mixed fruits. Its northern alluvial plain should be a non-public harm sunlight vegetables demonstration park to promote raising livestock and the fishery with leading enterprise. Construct urban suburb agriculture integrated demonstration park in its middle part. The metropolis ecological agriculture development must be based on the unified leadership and plan of the government. It is necessary to strengthen the policy support, bring the governmental function into full play, enhance the investment to agriculture, increase the agriculture technology content, strengthen the infrastructure construction, improve the agriculture ecological environment and raise the production quality of farmers. Finally, this article offers six solutions to solve the problems of shortage of agricultural economy fund and development difficulty for references of governments at all levels.The present paper has five parts altogether:The first part is about the explanation of paper topic practical nificance,domestic & foreign research tendency and basic framework of paper.The second part mainly introduces the establishment & basic connotation of sustainable development theory & the sustainable agricultural theory thought and the concept & mode of ecological agriculture and so on.The third part introduces the present situation analysis of agricultural economy development inBaqiao District,Xi’an City, including: the natural social economy summary and four stages of the rural economy structure adjustment in Baqiao District, change analysis of the agricultural economy structure adjustment in Baqiao District and working out the concrete measure of the agricultural economy adjustment. All these show the agricultural economy development in Baqiao District must insist on the orientation of sustainable developmentThe fourth part describes the development direction, function determination, development principle, guiding ideology as well as development key point to set up "metropolis ecological agriculture" in Baqiao District. This part mainly analyzes four development modes of the leisure sightseeing agricultural demonstration park majorly with fruit forest and one handicraft industry product in a village set up in Nanjiao plateau of Baqiao District. Its eastern mountainous area should be an industrial demonstration park withrural enterprises and the development of mixed fruits. Its northern alluvial plain should be a non-public harm sunlight vegetables demonstration park to promote raising livestock and the fishery with leading enterprise. Construct urban suburb agriculture integrated demonstration park in its middle part.The fifth part involves the feasible policy & measure in accordance with the existing problems in the process of agricultural economy sustainable development in Baqiao District. The key points of the paper are in this chapter. Firstly, the development orientation to promote structure adjustment of agriculture industry and construct the modern metropolis ecological agriculture should be confirmed. Secondly, actively construct the engineering of green non-public hazard agriculture and speed up the agricultural standardization construction. Thirdly, expand the agricultural investment, speed up the agricultural science and technology innovation and enhance the ratio of agriculture technology. Lastly, bring the government function into full play and effectively solve the problems of short of agricultural economy fund & development difficulty.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】260