

Study on a Clothes-Processing Logistics Management Model and its Application

【作者】 张先萍

【导师】 陈传波;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 软件工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 服装加工行业具有很强的行业特点。服装商品的流行性和季节性,使得许多服装企业每天需要处理成百上千的库存单位,并要管理无数的款式、颜色、尺码、客户标识等繁杂数据; 加之营销方式的复杂化,使得服装企业的产品管理与业务流程十分繁琐。对服装加工行业的特点进行分析后,为了解决目前服装加工物流管理中存在的问题,提出了一个服装加工物流管理模型。该模型完全支持服装加工行业对货品颜色、尺码的管理要求, 将进、销、存等业务与财务进行无缝连接,实行全程一体化管理。其数据中心强大的信息分析与决策支持功能,能帮助服装企业迅速跨入国际化竞争轨道。明妮服装加工物流管理系统是该模型的一个应用范例。明妮服装企业采用“生产部门→营销中心→经销商→专卖店”这种管理模式的信息化建设方案,将企业物流、信息流、资金流整合在一起,把公司总部作为企业的信息中心。公司总部通过信息流与生产部门、配送中心、各网点等发生联系,控制整个物流。明妮服装加工物流管理系统以明妮服装企业为背景,通过分析明妮服装加工流程,了解明妮服装加工物流管理系统需求。根据已提出的服装加工物流管理模型,划分系统功能模块,首先从功能结构上对明妮服装加工物流管理系统进行设计。明妮服装加工物流管理系统是一个分布式应用,在软件架构方面采用浏览器/服务器架构。按照Java Web 分层理论,将系统分为6 层,系统功能依照所划分的层次而实现。在对于客户请求的业务调用中,使用了一种改良的Struts 框架。该框架基于MVC 模式,实现了控制逻辑与表现逻辑的分离,有利于系统的维护。并使用Hibernate 对数据资源层访问方法进行封装,提高了业务对象的持久化特性。

【Abstract】 The Clothes-Processing Industry has its own strong characteristics. Because the clothes are popular and seasonal, many Clothes-Enterprises need to handle hundreds or thousands of stock-units everyday, and need to manage innumerable complicated-data about clothes style, color, size, client’s IDs. Besides, selling ways of clothes are complicated, resulting in that the product management and business process of Clothes-Enterprises is very tedious. After analyzing Clothes-Processing Industry, it gives out a Clothes-Processing Logistics Management Model, to solve the problems now existing in Clothes-Processing Industry. The Model completely supports the management commands on product’s color and size in Clothes-Processing Industry, binding the buying selling and storing together to the Unit-Management Performance. The Data Center has powerful abilities in information analyzing and decision supporting, ensuring Clothes-Enterprises a quick path to the international competition. MingNi Clothes-Processing Logistics Management System is an application of this model. MingNi Clothes-Enterprise adopts to "Producing Section→Selling Center→Dealers→Monopoly Stores" informational construction management pattern, and combines the Enterprise’s Logistics, Information Flow and Money Flow together, regarding the Company Headquarters as Enterprise’s Information Center. The Company Headquarters connects Producing Section, Delivery Center, Monopoly Stores and etc., controlling the whole Logistics Procedure. MingNi Clothes-Processing Logistics Management System takes the MingNi Clothes-Enterprise as background. After analyzing its Clothes-Process Procedure, we can conclude the Software Requirement for MingNi Clothes-Processing Logistics Management System. Based on MingNi Clothes-Processing Logistics Management Model mentioned before, we could divide the system into Function Modules, designing the Function Structure of MingNi Clothes-Processing Logistics Management System. MingNi Clothes-Processing Logistics Management System is a Distributed System, adopting the Browser/Server structure. According to the Java Web Layering Theory, the system can be divided into 6 layers, and each layer has its own contribution to the system’s function. System adopts improved Struts Framework to delegate Business Logic, and this Framework which is based on MVC Pattern implements the division of Controlling Logic from Presentation Logic, improve the system’s maintainability. The system uses Hibernate to encapsulate the access to Data Resource Layer, improving the Persistent Ability of the Business Object.

  • 【分类号】TP399
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