

【作者】 肖平

【导师】 彭小奇;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 高等教育学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 高校学生具有国家公民和受教育者的双重身份,既享有公民应享有的一般的法定权利,又享有受教育者应享有的特殊的法定权利。根据权利的性质和特点,他们的权利可概括为包含生活方式选择权、人身物质保障权、民主权、文化教育权在内的实体性权利和包含求偿权、知情权、陈述和申辩权、听证权、申诉权、申请仲裁权、诉讼权在内程序性权利。同时,权利与义务的内在规定性要求高校学生在享有权利的同时,也应当履行相应的义务。 改革开放前,学生的主体地位往往受到漠视,学生应有的权利未得到充分地尊重和保障。近年来,高校学生权利的保障取得了一些成绩,主要表现在:教育法律体系初显轮廓,学生权利及其保障有法可依;高教管理思想开始转变,依法治校不断推进;司法介入教育界,学生权利可获救济。但由于教育法律法规不完善、特别是学校管理存在瑕疵和学生维权能力缺乏等因素的制约,高校在行使自己的管理职权时,侵犯学生的民主管理权、名誉权、隐私权、财产权、申诉权、听证权、知情权、陈述和申辩权等多项权利的现象时有发生,尤其是对程序性权利的侵害,一些学校仍未引起足够重视。 鉴于此,为实现高校管理职责,促进学生的全面发展,宏观上应从国家、高校、学生三个层面探讨学生权利保障的对策,其中国家应营造维权环境,发展市场经济,营造现代法律文化,培植法律意识,同时加强立法,完善教育法律体系;高校作为学生权利的至关重要的义务主体,是维护学生权利的主要阵地,必须贯彻依法治校的方针,实施高校管理的法治化,从管理理念、管理规章、管理行为及权力监督四个方面着手,确立依法治校、以人为本的管理理念,依法制定合理管理规章,遵循正当程序原则,有效制约高校管理权力;高校学生是法定权益的拥有者、维权行为的基本主体,应通过加强法律学习、养成正确的权利义务观、建立维权组织等途径积极维护自身权利。微观上,高校应积极推行学生事务公开制度、推行听证制度、建立多元化权利救济机制,以实现学生的程序性权利。

【Abstract】 University students who have dual identities of the national citizen and the educatee, not only enjoy the general rights given to the citizens, but also the special rights given to the educatee. According to the characteristic and content of the rights, their rights can be divided into substantive rights which include the right to choose life style, the right to safeguard themselves and properties, democratic right, education right, and procedural rights that include the right to know, the right to state and defense, the right to hear, the right to appeal, the right to apply to arbitrate and the right to lawsuit. At the same time, the inherent regulations of the rights and the obligations require university students to fulfill the corresponding obligation too.Before reforming and opening-up, the subject status of the student was often ignored and their due rights were not fully respected and ensured. In recent years, achievements have been made in guaranteeing the university student’ right: student rights can be abided by the educational legal systems which have shown framework preliminarily, the idea of higher education management begins to convert and the way of managing school by law moves forward constantly; Because the administration of justice has got involved in the education circle, student’s right can be relieved. However, there is faultiness in educational laws and regulations, especially in the university management and students themselves are unable to safeguard their rights. Therefore, while performing management power, the university occasionally infringes democratic administrative right, reputation right, privacy right, proprietary right, appealing right, hearing right, knowing right, stating right and defending right, etc., especially about infringing the student’ procedural right, which is not paid extensive attention by some universities.In order to implement university’s management responsibilities and promote student’ comprehensive developments, we should seek student’s right security countermeasures through joint efforts took by country, university, student from the macroscopic side: country should create theenvironment of safeguarding the rights through developing market economy and modern legal culture, cultivating legal consciousness and strengthening legislation to improve the educational legal system; Being the essential obligation subject of student’s right and the main position to safeguard student’s right, the university should carry out the policy of supervising the university by law in terms of four aspects: possessing the management idea of managing the school by law and regarding People utmost, making the management rational rules in accordance with the law, following the principle of the proper procedure of administration and restraining the university managing power effectively; Being the owner of the legal rights and interests and basic subject of safeguarding the rights, university students should maintain their own rights actively by strengthening the learning of law to form correct viewpoint of right and obligation, setting up safeguarding students’ rights organization, etc. In order to fulfill students’ procedural right, from the microcosmic side, the university should pursue the disclosing student’s affairs system and the hearing system and set up the pluralistic relieving right mechanism .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】875