

Research of Prolonging Life Span of Zinc Refining Column

【作者】 杨林平

【导师】 唐谟堂; 余国珍;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 冶金工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的锌锭产量2000年达到1950kt,居世界第一位。国际上主要炼锌方法是湿法炼锌,占所生产的原生锌锭的80%以上,但ISP工艺在铅锌冶金中仍占有重要地位,具有物料的适应性强,适应处理难分选铅锌混合矿的优点。韶冶采用ISP炼铅锌,锌产品占总的金属(铅锌)产量的2/3,目前达到150kt/a,锌精炼的关键设备是塔式锌精馏炉,精馏塔炉龄是构成锌锭生产效率与成本的最重要的部分,目前我国的精馏塔炉龄与国外先进水平尚有一定差距,有待努力提高。 本文针对韶冶锌精馏生产现状,分析了影响精馏塔炉龄的因素:加料的均匀稳定性、燃烧室温度的稳定、生产过程中减少故障的发生、对故障快速有效的处理等。通过采用一系列新技术与设备改造来延长炉龄,采用自反馈重锤平衡式加料器使加料均衡;通过炉窑仿真优化燃烧室结构,添加液化气提高煤气质量来稳定燃烧室温度;采用反扣盘、反扣流槽、凹槽大堰盘,改进压密砖、冷凝器等措施减少生产事故的发生;采用加铝补塔与喷枪补塔结合对炉况恶化的塔炉及时补救。 经过努力,保证了生产的稳定,减少了生产事故。同时降低了操作劳动强度,改善劳动环境,提高了自动化水平。精馏塔单塔日产提高18%,铅塔炉龄由17个月延长至27个月,镉塔炉龄由20个月延长至24个月,取得了较大进步。

【Abstract】 The output of Zinc ingots,which was NO.1 in the world,was 1950kt in 2000.The main way of smelting Zinc is hydromeltallurgy,but the ISP(Imperial Smelting Process)is still very important,because this technology has good adaptability to the material.It is suitable to deal with mixture material which is difficult to be separated. ISP is adopted by Shaoguan Smelter.67%out put is Zinc.At present,the annual output of Shaoguan Smelter is 150kt/a.Zinc refining column is key equipment in Zinc refining.The life span of the column has influence to the production efficiency and cost.In our country,it is not so long as that of some developed countries.This paper analyses the factors which have influence to the life span of Zinc refining column.They are the stability of materical feeding,the stability of temperature in combustion chamber,the hitches during production and the efficiency of eliminating the hitches and so on. A series transforms have been done to increase the life span.A balance equipment is used to stablee the material feeding.Simulating the column can improve its structure. Improving the quality of gas is adopted to stable the temprature in combustion chamber.Special chutesare used to prevent liquid Zinc from seeping into combustion chamber.Condenser and caft formed bricks were transformed to decrease the hitches.Adding aluminium to materical as additive and using spray gun filled with guniting,the column with bad condition can be repaired in time.After great efforts,production has been stabled,hitches have been decreased.At the same time,the labour intensity has been decreased and working environment has been improved,automatic level has been increased .Output of zinc refining column haas been increased by 18% per column in per day.Life span of lead column has been increased from 17 months to 27 months and that of cadmium column has been increased from 20 months to 24 months.Grent progress has been made.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】TF813
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】59