

Study on the Exploitation and Utilization of Digitized Petrochemical Information Resources

【作者】 李华

【导师】 詹德优;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是一个科学技术高速发展的信息时代。知识经济的发展导致技术创新的需求,而技术的创新离不开信息的支撑。对于石油化工领域而言,数字化信息资源的开发利用对石油化工技术创新的支持作用至关重要。在网络环境中,越来越多的数字化石油化工信息资源成为图书馆信息资源的重要组成部分,其在数量、结构、分布与传播范围、媒体形态、控制机制、传递手段等方面都与传统的信息资源有着极大的差异,因此组织和管理好数字化信息资源,使信息环境高度有序化,让用户可以在网上快捷方便地获取自己所需的信息,提高数字化石油化工信息资源的利用率,是石油化工专业图书馆界的当务之急。 本文以石油化工信息化的核心问题之一——“数字化石油化工信息资源的开发与利用”为研究对象,注重理论和实际的相结合,采用文献普查法、问卷调查法、实地考察法、对比分析法、综合归纳法等情报学研究方法对此进行了研究。 本文从以下五个方面对数字化石油化工信息资源的开发利用进行了论述: (1)论述了数字化石油化工信息资源的类型、特点,并对国内外重点石油化工信息资源和目前主要的中外文数据库的情况进行了介绍和评述。 (2)调查和分析了石油化工专业图书馆数字化石油化工信息资源开发利用的现状,指出专业图书馆应建立具有自身特色的馆藏数据库,实现网络信息资源共享;要对网络信息资源进行有效的组织与管理;加强对网络信息人员的培养。并在总结数字化石油化工信息资源开发利用的要求与途径的基础上,分析了目前存在的问题与不足。 (3)以石油化工科学研究院科研人员为调查对象,通过问卷调查法和实地考察法了解科研人员信息意识、信息能力和对数字化石油化工信息资源的利用情况,以及对石油化工信息资源建设的意见与建议进行了调查。 (4)论述了数字化石油化工信息资源开发利用的重要性,并进一步探讨了数字化石油化工信息资源开发利用应采用的针对性、精确性、选择性等原则。 (5)本文提出了数字化石油化工信息资源建设和开发利用方面的对策及应注意的问题。指出网络环境下石油化工专业图书馆信息服务的新特点主要体现在信息资源主体、信息服务范围、信息服务对象、信息服务方式、信息服务内容的转变,并探讨了石油化工专业图书馆信息服务的新模式。

【Abstract】 21st is an informational society with rapidly development of technology. The development of knowledge economy results in the need to of technological innovation, but technological innovation relies on the information support. For petrochemical field, it is also important and far-reaching to strengthen the development and building of the literature resources. The development and utilization of digitized information resources play crucial role in providing support for petrochemical technological innovation. In the web circumstances, more and more digitized petrochemical information resources become an important content that of the special library. It has very large difference to with traditional information resources in number, structure, distribution, diffuseness and the form of media under network. So, how to organize and manage digitized information resources for meeting the users’ need and improving the ability of utilizing digitized petrochemical information resources has been more and more important to special library.This paper takes the core issue of petrochemical information— "Study on the Exploitation and Utilization of digitalization petrochemical Information resources" as the research subject, combines the theory with practice using literature retrieve, questionnaire, field survey, comparison and analysis, synthesis, etc, methods. The paper studies the topic from six aspects.(1)Discusses the types, characteristic of digitized petrochemical information resources at home and abroad.(2)Analyses the exploitation and utilization of digitized petrochemical information resources in special library current status and point out that special library ought to establish its featured databases to realize information resources sharing via Internet; ought to organize and manage information resources effectively; and ought to enhance the training of the librarian and specialist. Furthermore, the paper also analyses the some problems we are met today.(3)The study paper conduct a survey on the information consciousness and capability into the exploitation and utilization of digitized petrochemical information resources and the suggestions and opinions of researchers on the information resources construction in Research Institute of Petroleum Processing of China.(4)It discusses the necessities of exploitation and utilization of digitized petrochemical information resources and put forwards some principles we must stick to when exploiting and utilizing digitized information resources.(5)The paper bring forward some countermeasure on construction, exploitation and utilization of digitized petrochemical information resources, and the problem to be noticed of the construction, exploitation and utilization. The paper further analyses the influence of the Internet to petrochemical information resources, studies the new feature of digitized petrochemical information and the new changes of information services and point out the service pattern of petrochemical special library.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期
  • 【分类号】G203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】318