

【作者】 王文友

【导师】 李明发;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑物区分所有权是一项复合性权利,由专有权、共有权和成员权构成。成员权作为建筑物区分所有权构成之一,虽基于专有权、共有权而产生,具有从属性、依附性,但有其自身的特性,是一项独立的权利。 表决权是区分所有权人最重要的一项成员权。参加管理团体大会并行使表决权,是区分所有权人享有成员权的标志。表决权的大小由专有部分的价值或面积(专有权的大小)决定。就我国的实际而言,以专有部分面积比例来确定表决权的大小较为公允可行。 成员权的行使,体现为全体区分所有权人通过管理团体对区分所有建筑物进行的自治管理。由于法人型管理团体较非法人型管理团体在区分所有建筑物的管理中具有诸多优势,因此,管理团体法人化成为各国的立法趋势。在我国的建筑物区分所有权立法中,应当确立管理团体的法人地位。 区分所有权人大会是管理团体的意思机关,议决区分所有建筑物管理的重要事项,并按议决事项的重要程度,分别以一致决、特别多数决、普通多数决的议决方式作出决议。管理委员会是区分所有权人大会的执行机构,执行区分所有权人大会的决议和区分所有建筑物的日常管理事务。 管理规约是管理团体的最高自治规则,由区分所有权人大会制订、修改和废止。区分所有权人大会的决议、管理委员会的管理行为和区分所有权人的生活行为均不得与管理规约相抵触。管理规约的效力不仅及于区分所有权人,而且及于区分所有权人的继受人和临时出入区分所有建筑物的其他人。 成员权的内容不仅包括区分所有权人所享有的权利,也包括区分所有权人所

【Abstract】 The ownership of apartment building is a compound right composed of the exclusive right, the co-ownership and the membership. As a constituent of the ownership of apartment building, although it is based on the exclusive right and the co-ownership with a subordinate and adjunctive characteristic, the membership is an independent right.The voting power is one of the most important memberships owned by the owner of the apartment building. It is a symbol of the membership to participate in the managing group meeting and exercise the voting power. The magnitude of the power is decided by the values or the areas of the inclusive parts of the building. As the practice of our country is concerned, it is fair to decide the magnitude of the voting power according to the areas.The exertion of the membership is embodied by the self-governing of all the owners of the apartment building through a managing group. Due to the advantages the corporate managing group has over the non-corporate managing group, it is a worldly legislative trend to incorporate a managing group. The status of the managing group as a corporation should be defined legislatively in our country.As the organization of will of the managing group, the meeting of the owners of the apartment building discusses and decides important issues related to the management of the building by means of unanimous voting, special majority voting and ordinary majority voting separately. The management committee is an organ to execute the decisions made by the meeting of the owners of the apartment building and routine affairs related to management of the building.The managing rule, formulated, revised and repealed by the meeting of the owners of the apartment building, is the supreme self-governing rule for the managing organization. Decisions made by the meeting of the owners of the apartment building, managerial behaviors of the management committee and behaviors in the owners’ daily life shall not contradict the managing rule. Not only are the owners subjected to the managing rule, but also the successors of the owners and those who are in and out of the building temporarily.The contents of the membership include not only rights that the owners have, but also responsibilities they should assume. Their membership shall be restricted, even deprived in case of violating the responsibilities severely.The membership is an important structure of the ownership of apartment building, and also the tache for the exclusive right to link the co-ownership. Because of the existence of the membership, the ownership of apartment building as a real right comprises some factors of "human law", which distinguishes it as a special real right from others. For the sake of the characteristic, it is preferred to choose the model of drawing up special statute in the legislative process for the ownership of the apartment building.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】335