

【作者】 肖黄飞

【导师】 唐晓东;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 化学工艺, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,国内外高酸值原油的产量逐年递增。这种原油具有酸值高,密度大,粘度高,残炭高的特点,给炼油企业带来了产品质量、系统平衡以及设备腐蚀等一系列不利因素。目前对高酸值原油的各种处理方法虽有一定成效,但又各有缺点。因此,对高酸原油的脱酸工艺技术进行研究,克服工艺中存在的一些缺点,对解决炼油企业面临的难题,提高能源的综合利用,具有重要的现实意义。 碱洗-电精制脱酸法,是国内外应用较多,也是最传统的石油产品脱酸工艺,该法设备投资省、流程简单、工艺成熟,从废碱渣提炼出的环烷酸又是优良的精细化工原料,具有相当高的应用价值。但该法也仍存在使用强酸、强碱,设备腐蚀严重,容易乳化,操作费用高,有废水排放等问题。针对该工艺存在的问题,本文在研究中采取了一系列改进措施进行研究:NaOH与RCOOH等摩尔反应,以减少NaOH消耗量,减少废水排放对环境的污染,降低成本;在碱液中加入复合萃取剂,以消除乳化,降低分相难度,减少原油损失,同时降低环烷酸中的油含量;利用特制相分离器,在一定压力和较高温度下进行相分离,模拟现场生产条件,进一步改善分相实验效果。 在实验中采用复合脱酸剂,对产自长庆、渤海的原油进行了脱酸研究,最后得到:脱酸剂组成优选方案;原油脱酸工艺的实验室操作条件包括反应温度、反应时间、相分离温度与时间、油剂比等参数;碱渣回收环烷酸操作方案。实验结果表明,在复合萃取剂作用下,碱洗脱酸法可以明显降低原油的酸值,从而降低常压柴油和减压蜡油馏分脱酸精制装置的负荷,甚至可以停开馏分油脱酸精制装置,还可以回收环烷酸,创造经济效益。 对原油碱洗脱酸法的工业应用进行了讨论,提出原油脱酸与原油电脱盐工艺结合操作的新设想,利用电脱盐工艺设备,在不新增设备的情况下,就可以进行高酸原油加工,降低了生产及投资费用;利用原油电脱盐工艺的高压电场,有助于消除原油脱酸过程中形成的乳化,可以将原油脱酸过程中残留的钠盐和水分进一步脱除。对工艺过程产生的废液进行回收:脱酸过程的废碱渣用于回收环烷酸;碱渣酸化过程的硫酸钠废液用于生产无水硫酸钠。

【Abstract】 The crude oil with high acid number, has bring a series of disadvantageous factor to the oil refining enterprise , such as product quality, system balance and equipmentses corrosion in etc. The present method of deacidification take certain effect to the high acid number crude oil, but each of it has some weakness.Therefore, researching on the method of deacidification of the high acid number crude oil, to solve the refining business’s problem, and increase the synthesizes exploitation of energy, it has the important and realistic meaning.The Deacidification method of alkali washing and electronic field refining, is used all over the world, the craft is traditional and mature, with low equipments investment and simple process. The naphthenic acid refining from the discarded alkali , is a important material . But this method has to use the strong acid and alkali, that can’t be regenerated, the corrosion of equipments, and emulsification is serious , with high operating expenses. Aim at these , we adopted such improvement as NaOH : RCOOH =1, to reduce the consumption of NaOH, adding the mixed extractant to the alkali solvent, to cut down the emulsification; using the special phase separator to improve the Deacidification and imitate practical condition.The main factors affecting the Deacidification were discussed such as the temperature, time of the reaction and separation, the ratio of oil to solvent. The experiment effect is very good.This text has discussed the industry application of the crude oil alkali Deacidification method .We put forward that desalting combinate with the Deacidification to operate, it is a new idea .

  • 【分类号】TE624.1
  • 【被引频次】3
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