

The Safety Assessment of Fault During the Underwater Hole Blasting Construct

【作者】 柴修伟

【导师】 王玉杰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在疏通航道、开挖运河、兴建港口以及修筑堤坝工程中,水下钻孔爆破技术越来越显示出无可比拟的优势。欧美的海洋工程开发速度之所以如此迅速,水下钻孔爆破起来很大的作用。但在水下钻孔工程中,由于潮汐、涌浪、水流、水文、地质地形等复杂的施工环境,施工难度比陆地有很大的差别,事故发生的不确定性也比陆地更大,安全管理也就显得尤为重要。另外,“安全爆破”已成为爆破工程行业在新世纪的发展方向和面临的新课题。“安全第一,预防为主”是我国安全生产的方针。安全是进行一切工程爆破的重要前提,而科学、全面的安全评估工作是做到爆破安全的重要手段。 上海国际航运中心洋山深水港区一期航道炸礁工程工程量大,工期较长,要求高,施工环境复杂。本课题针对水下钻孔爆破自升式作业平台上整个施工过程中可能导致事故发生的潜在危险、危害因素进行系统地分析,并建立其模糊综合评价模型。从作业平台的移入定位,钻孔,装药,联线到最后平台移出,对每个施工阶段进行全面的危险源辨识。将整个施工过程中可能导致事故发生的各种潜在危险、危害因素分为技术设计、施工现场、监督管理、客观条件四个方面进行分析,并运用定性和定量相结合的因果分析图和层次分析法,用计算的结构重要度系数建造层次重要度因果分析图,以便针对各层次影响因素制定切实可行的预防措施。 以AHP-Fuzzy安全综合评价理论为基础,充分考虑工程实践的特点,选取合理的模糊综合算子,对水下钻孔爆破施工工艺流程中可能导致事故发生的危险、危害因素进行评价。以层次重要度因果分析图各层次因素的结构重要度为模糊综合评价中各因素的权重,再结合科学、客观、合理的专家打分确定评判矩阵,对具体工程施工工艺过程进行模糊综合评价计算,得出该工程项目的实际安全等级。 定性和定量相结合的因果分析和层次分析法的综合运用,以及层次分析和模糊综合评价相结合的AHP-Fuzzy,既充分体现综合评价的模糊性,又能给人以层次分析的精确性,具有前后的一致性,是一种很好的综合分析方法。今后加以完善,可以推广到其它领域中应用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the underwater hole blasting more and more shows the unexampled predominance in the channel dredging, the canal excavating, the port, the dykes and dams building projects, which is the primary cause of the fast development in ocean engineering of America and Europe. However, in the under water hole blasting project, because of such complicated construction environment as the tide, the wave, the current, the hydrology, the geological topography, etc. the degree of difficulty of construction has very great differences more than the land, the uncertainty happening of the fault is more than the land too and the safety management seems particularly important too. In addition, "safe blasting" has become the developing direction and new subject of blasting engineer in the new century. "Safety first, Prevention primary" is a policy of the safety production in our country. Safe is the important prerequisite in all blasting engineer, science and overall security assessment is the important means to accomplish it.The Yangshan harbor rock reef project of the Shanghai International Shipping Centre Yangshan deep water harbor is big, the time limit for a project is longer, requests high, the construction environment is complex. In this paper, the potential hazard which may result in fault during the whole construct of auto-uprising flat in underwater hole blasting will be analyzed systemically and establishing the fuzzy comprehensive assessment model. Hazards that probably happen in per phase construct are distinguished, which from localization, drilling, charging, wiring to the flat last moving out. The overall potential hazard is divided into four aspect and analyzed systematically such as technical design, construction site, supervise management and objective condition, and using cause and effect analysis chart and analytical process combining the determine nature and ration. The hierarchy important degree of cause and effect analysis chart is built by the calculate data, which can make the feasible precautionary measures to per hierarchy influence factor conveniently.Based on the AHP-Fuzzy safety comprehensive appraisal theory, fullyconsidered the characteristic of the project and chose the rational fuzzy comprehensive operator, the potential hazard which may result in fault during the whole construct in underwater hole blasting will be appraised. By the judge matrix confirmed by scientific, objective and reasonable marks given by the expert, and combining the relative weights of safety assessment gained, through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the real safety grade of this project is drawn.Originally in the article, the comprehensive application of the cause and effect analysis and analytic hierarchy process, and AHP-Fuzzy combining with hierarchy analysis and fuzzy comprehensive appraisal, can fully reflected comprehensive appraisal are fuzzy, it is a kind of very good comprehensive analytical method. Perfected in the future, it can be popularized to the other fields’ application.

  • 【分类号】X932
  • 【被引频次】7
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