

【作者】 白光宇

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 北山地处三大构造单元(塔里木、哈萨克斯坦和华北 (阿拉善 )三个前寒武纪地块)的交替衔接部位,历经了长期而复杂的地质演化过程,具有良好的成矿地质构造背景,是我国著名的多金属成矿带。近十多年来,在北山开展了一系列的地质科研与找矿工作,积累了一定的地质资料,总结成矿规律,利用有效的综合成矿预测方法,选出有利的找矿远景区,进一步地指导找矿。通过调查和研究,作者认为本论文有以下方面的进展: 1.首次利用“物质场-能量场-空间场”综合成矿预测方法,对北山地区进行了区域成矿预测。建立了北山研究区GIS 图形数据库和1/20 万地球化学数据库,利用GIS 技术,进行了基于GIS 的“三场”综合成矿预测,提出了公婆泉—三道明水等2 个一级找矿远景区和大红山—将军台三级找矿远景区。 2.利用ETM 遥感图像提取综合蚀变信息技术,进行靶区快速评价。根据北山研究区植被覆盖少,基岩裸露、戈壁荒漠、条件艰苦等实际情况,结合国内外近年遥感地质信息处理新的研究成果,提出了ETM 图像提取综合蚀变信息的方法技术流程,并对3 个远景区进行了综合蚀变信息提取,进一步验证了远景区的找矿潜力,并选出了7 个有利找矿靶区。 3.本文在三个预测区的基础上,利用遥感提取蚀变的方法,选出了7 个靶区,建议进行野外查证,以便完善利用遥感提取蚀变进行快速评价的方法,指导以后的找矿工作。 4. 根据北山研究区植被覆盖少、基岩裸露、戈壁荒漠等条件,建议多多利用遥感提取蚀变的方法进行靶区优选,以便对预测区进行快速评价。

【Abstract】 The Beishan area locates in the join of three structure unit, with the better geological and structural metallogenic conditions and is the famous multi-metal metallogenic belt because it had experienced long and complex geological evolvement course. By investigation and research, the author gets the progresses as follows: 1 Performing the regional metallogenetic prognosis by ‘material field-energy field-spatial field’method for the first time in the Beishan. Based on the GIS graphics database, geochemical database with scale 1 to 200000 and the structure stress field, the dissertation performs the regional metallogenic prognosis by GIS and ‘Three-fileds’methods, and puts forward 2 first order ore-finding prospective areas (i.e. Gongpoquan-Sandaomingshui area etc.)and 1 third order c (i.e. Dahongshan-Jiangjuntai area etc.). 2 Based on the up-to-date research results of geological information processing and characterizing on remote sensing data, the dissertation brings forward the techno-flow chart and the method of extracting synthetical alteration information from ETM data, and extracts the alteration information from the 3 first order ore-finding prospective areas according to the physical geography conditions of study area, such as rare plant cover, baring rocks, hard condition with gobi and desert etc., By this method, it is useful and helpful to focus on the interested and favorable ore-forming areas within the ore-finding prospective areas. 3 By use of extracting the alteration information from the ore-finding prospective areas, chooses seven interested and favorable ore-forming areas, which need investigation and check, in order to ameliorate the extracting alteration information and direct the searching mine. 4.According to rare plant cover, baring rocks, gobi and desert etc., we should make use of the the method of extracting synthetical alteration information from ETM data, in order to immediately appraise the the method of extracting synthetical alteration information form ETM data.

  • 【分类号】P612
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】531