

Structural Characteristics of the Xidamingshan Uplift in Guangxi and Its Relationship with the Adjacent Basins

【作者】 周维博

【导师】 吴淦国; 汪新文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 构造地质学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 论文在丰富的野外第一手资料的基础上,结合区域地质与油气勘探等多方面资料与成果,以活动论和阶段论的思想为指导,应用构造解析、平衡剖面等技术,分析了西大明山隆起区的区域构造、深大断裂、构造样式、构造变形区带、构造应力场特征及其与周缘盆地的关系,取得了以下认识: (1)研究区发育古生代至中三叠世海相沉积和晚三叠世至新生代陆相沉积两大套沉积地层,地层累计总厚度愈万米。 (2)控制西大明山隆起构造格架的是北东向断裂(下雷-灵马断裂带、扶绥断裂带、凭祥-东门断裂带)及北西向断裂(南丹-都安断裂带、右江断裂带),这些断裂带都是长期活动的深大断裂。北东向断裂带主要控制其形成演化,北西向断裂带主要影响变形区带的分布。 (3)研究区的构造样式包括挤压构造、伸展构造、反转构造和走滑构造4大类;挤压构造为主体构造,表现为由南或南东指向北或北西方向的挤压逆冲和缩短位移。 (4)将西大明山隆起划分为八个构造变形区带:天等断褶带、武鸣断褶带、龙州断褶带、苏圩断褶带、崇左缓褶带、昆仑关凸起、大新凸起和南宁盆地,每个区带具有不同的构造特点;确定西大明山隆起的北部边界为下雷-灵马断裂带,南部边界为凭祥-东门断裂带。 (5)研究区的古应力场特征表现为:加里东运动主要为近南北向的挤压褶皱-隆升作用;海西运动主要为北西-南东向的挤压褶皱作用;印支运动主要为近南北向的挤压褶皱作用;燕山早期运动主要为北西一南东向的挤压;燕山晚期运动主要为北北东-南南西方向的挤压;喜山早期运动主要为近东西向挤压;喜山晚期为近南北向挤压。 (6)西大明山隆起的构造演化主要分为三个阶段:震旦纪-志留纪的基底构造演化阶段;泥盆纪-中三叠世区域伸展裂陷阶段和晚三叠世-新生代挤压构造变形与隆升剥蚀阶段;对十万山盆地和南盘江坳陷起到分割和阻挡的作用;每个阶段与周缘盆地及油气演化有不同的关系。

【Abstract】 Based on abundant first-hand field materials, combined with the regional geology, petroleum-natural gas exploration and the other material and achivement, directed by the idea of active and stages, and applied advanced methods, such as structural analysis and balanced section, the regional structure, deep faults, structural styles,structural deformation sections, the characteristics of tectonic stress field and the relationship with the adjacent basins were analysed in it. And obtained these results, they are: (1)Xidamingshan uplift developed two series sediments: the marine facies sediments from Paleozoic era to middle Triassic period and the continental facies sediments from late Triassic period to early Tertiary era, the total thickness is about 10,000 meters. (2)The dominating effect controlled Xidamingshan uplift’s structural framework were the faults zone towards northeast (Xialei-Lingma fault zone,Fusui fault zone,Pingxiang-Dongmen fault zone) and northwest (Nandan-Du’an fault zone,Youjiang fault zone),all these were great deep faults that has long-time activity. The northeast controlled it’s development and evolution,the northwest influenced the distributed of the defortion sections. (3)Structural styles in research area include four kinds: compression structure,extension structure,resersal structure and strike-slip structure. The major styles is the compression structure. It is indicated that the direction of compression thrust and shortening displacement are south or southeastto north or northwest. (4)Ploted eight structure deformation sections in Xidamingshan uflift,they are: Tiandeng fault-fold belt,Wuming fault-fold belt,Longzhou fault-fold belt,Suxu fault-fold belt,Chongzuo slitly fold belt,Kunlunguan salient,Daxin salient and Nan’ning basin. Each section has different structural characteristics. It’s north boundary is the Xialei-Lingma fault zone, the south is the Pingxiang-Dongmen fault zone. (5)The paleostress field characteristics in reserch behaved that,mainly near south to north compression folding-uplift movement in Caledonian orogeny, and also in Indosinian orogeny, west-north to east-south in Hercynian orogeny and in early Yanshan orogeny, north-eastnorth to south-westsouth in late Yanshan orogeny, east to west in early Himalayan orogeny and south to north in late Himalayan orogeny. (6)The tectonic evolution of the Xidamingshan uplift can be mainly divided into three stages: Sinian period to Silurian period is the foundation evolution stage, Devonian period to mid-Triassic period is the regional extension-depression stage and late Triassic period to Cenozoic era is the compressional structural deformation and uplift-erosion stage. In it’s evolution,Xidamingshan uplift devided-blocked the Shiwanshan basin and the Nanpanjiang depression. In every stage,it has different relationship between the adjacent basin and the evolution of the petroleum-natural gas.

  • 【分类号】P542.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】416