

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in G.maculatum

【作者】 薛芹

【导师】 谢从新; 何舜平;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 渔业资源, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 黑斑原鮡,Glyptosternon maculaton,隶属于硬骨鱼纲(Teleostei)、鲇形目(Siluriformes)、鮡科(Sisoridae)、原鮡属(Glyptosternon),是鰋鮡鱼类(Glyptosternoidcatfishes)的一种。黑斑原鮡是冷水性鱼类,在我国只生活在青藏高原雅鲁藏布江的中游及下游印度的布拉马普特拉河(Brahmaputra)。关于黑斑原鮡有一些研究报道,但大多涉及形态、生态方面,对其遗传多样性的报道相对较少。 本实验以PCR扩增技术为基础,分别获得了黑斑原鮡Cytb基因及D-loop控制区基因全序列,通过一系列的数据分析,对分布在雅鲁藏布江3个不同海拔的黑斑原鮡自然群体的遗传多样性进行分析,旨在为黑斑原鮡的种质资源保护和向平原地区引种提供一定的理论基础。 通过分析得到以下结果: 1 获得黑斑原鮡27个个体的Cytb基因全序列,核苷酸序列1138bp,共10种单倍型。 2 获得黑斑原鮡27个个体的D-loop控制区全序列,核苷酸序列878-879bp,共9种单倍型。 3 根据Cytb基因和D-loop控制区基因全序列,作者认为这3个自然群体的黑斑原鮡并不能按不同海拔分布区域而划分为3个不同的地理种群,可能只属于一个种群。 此研究可为黑斑原鮡的生理地理学研究提供初步的理论依据。同时,原鮡属共有3个种,其他两种分别是网纹原鮡(G. reticulatum)和连鳍原鮡(G. akhtari),除黑斑原鮡外,迄今未见其他两个种的研究报道。作者希望此次研究结果能为这两个种的研究提供一定的理论基础。

【Abstract】 G. maculatum belonging to Glyptosternum, in family Sisoridae and order Siluriformes, is one of the Glyptosternoid catfish species. This species only distributed in the middle region of Yaluzangbujiang (Tsaopo) in Tibet, and in Brahmaputra in India. There are some reports about G maculatum. Most of them are about its morphology and bionomics, but few about its genetic diversity.In this study, we obtained the complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and D-loop by PCR. We analyzed these sequences by using Clustal X, Seaview, Annhyb and Mega 2.1. The main results are:1. In the experiment, we sequenced twenty-seven nucleotide sequences of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b region (1138bp) which has 10 haplotypes.2. Twenty-seven complete sequences of the mtDNA D-loop control region (879bp) were sequenced, and there are 9 haplotypes in this region.3. Based on the above results, we considered that the individuals living in the different altitude can not be differentiated by sequencing and that there is only one population in these individuals rather than three ones.There are another two species of the genus, G reticulatum and G akhtari. We didn’t find any reports about them. The results of this study can offer some theoretical foundation for further study of them.

  • 【分类号】S917.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】303