

The Study on the Development of Small Rural Towns in Hubei

【作者】 赵长勇

【导师】 雷海章; 黎东升;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业推广, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 建国以后,特别是改革开放以来,湖北城镇化发展水平有了较大提高,但与同期工业化发展水平相比,却显得严重滞后。城镇化水平提高,可以为经济发展提供广阔的市场和持久的动力,是优化城乡经济结构,促进国民经济良性循环和社会协调发展的重大措施。本文在详尽地占有多方面资料的基础上,对湖北小城镇的发展作了研究。湖北小城镇的建设,对加速湖北城镇化、工业化进程,促进湖北农村剩余劳动力的转移,增加农民收入,促进消费增长,带动湖北经济的跨越式发展,实现现代化的宏伟目标具有十分重要的意义。在小城镇建设中要以十五届三中全会精神为指导,以深化改革为动力,以促进农村经济更快发展和提高村镇居民生活质量为目的。紧紧围绕加快经济发展和城市化进程的需要,来确定小城镇建设与发展的思路。科学规划、合理布局,尽快建设成经济繁荣、环境优美、各具特色的小城镇。 本文由四大部分组成:第一章简要地介绍了我国小城镇发展的历史背景,分析了当前农村小城镇发展面临的历史机遇,阐述了课题研究的现实意义:提高城镇化水平、实现城乡一体化、解决“三农”问题都需要小城镇的发展。 第二章分析了发达国家城镇化发展基本情况,总结了发达国家城镇化发展共同规律及特征。从世界各国的实践和我国现实国情出发,同时通过对发展经济学中相关城镇化理论学习与引用,确立了大力发展小城镇是我国城市化道路现实选择的观点。 第三章立足湖北小城镇建设实际,在阐述了全国小城镇发展历史背景的基础上,将湖北小城镇发展历程分为恢复发展时期、徘徊萎缩时期和快速发展时期三个发展阶段,并对各阶段发展特点进行了概括。重点总结出了湖北城镇化发展存在东密西疏,城镇规模结构两头大、中间小、首位度高,规划、布局不合理,管理不科学,缺乏集聚效应等现状及特征。在此基础上,归纳出了湖北小城镇发展主要问题在于小城镇规划布局与建设落后,小城镇规模经营小,发展重数量轻质量,小城镇建设资金严重短缺,投入机制不健全,管理体制落后和环境污染及资源浪费等。针对性地分析出政府宏观调控力度不够,城镇区划与城镇发展不相适应,建制镇设置标准相对偏低,相关配套制度改革滞后,资金约束等是制约湖北小城镇发展的根本原因。与此同时,以襄樊市小城镇建设为典型案例,对襄樊市小城镇建设发展现状及成效,襄樊市小城镇发展的主要做法及襄樊市小城镇发展存在的问题进行了陈述与分析。 文中最后一章在综合前文的基础上,从六个方面论述了湖北省小城镇建设的对策建议。一是建设性地提出了湖北小城镇建设的指导原则、重点、规模和目标;二

【Abstract】 The development of rural urbanization of Hubei province improved significantly after the establishment of new china, especially after the reforming and opening-up of our country. But it is now falling behind contemporaneous industrialization in Hubei province seriously. Urbanization promotion could provide wider market and stronger drive for economic development. It is an important measure for optimizing urban and rural economic structure, improving good national economical cycle and collaborating with social development. On the base of full and accurate data, the dissertation makes an exhaustive study of the development of small towns in Hubei province. Therefore, It’s very significant for speeding up the urbanization and industrialization process and contributing to the transfer of rural surplus labor force, increasing the income and consumption of peasants, leading the rapid economic development in Hubei Province and realizing the great objectives of modernization. Following the guiding line of the Third Plenary Session of the 15 Central Committee of the P. R. C and with a view to deepening the reform, the speed of rural development, improvement of the quality of life in small towns and urbanization, the development guide line for small towns should be determined as soon as possible. Scientific planning and proper layout will create prosperous and beautiful towns with unique characteristics.This paper includes four parts: The first chapter is the introduction. The historical background of small towns development in China is briefly introduced, and the current opportunity of rural small towns development is analyzed. Moreover, the practical significance of this paper is stated: quickening urbanization, realizing the conciliatory of rural and urban, and solving the problems of agriculture, villages and peasant, all of them need the development of small rural towns.The second part of the paper summarizes the common rules and characteristics of the urbanization in developed countries. Meanwhile, several models of Development Economics are quoted and some new ideas are put forward. We recognize that small towns development is the realistic choice for our country’s urbanization, according to the urbanization practices around the world and Chinese reality.The third chapter of the paper not only split small towns development process of Hubei into three stages based on the construction reality in Hubei and historical background in national town development: recovery and development period, staggering and contraction period and rapid development period, and summarize the characteristics in different stages, but also focus on these characteristics in urbanization of Hubei: the east is dense but the west is sparse, the cities are mostly big and small cities, less medium cities, the layout is not reasonable, the management is not scientific and the cities are short of centralizing effect and so on. Based on these, this paper further summarizes main problems: the backward condition in planning, layout and construction, the small scale of small towns development, preferring quantity to quality in development, serious lacking of investment capital in town development and unreasonable investment system and out-of-date management system and the environmental pollution and waste of resources. Then the paper analyze the basic causes for the lagged status in urbanization of Hubei: lacking of strong government collaboration and control, the non-corresponding statusbetween town planning and town development, the lower standard for the establishment of town, the lagged reform in related system and lacking of capital. A typical case in Xiangfan has been analyzed.The last chapter is the conclusion of this paper. It expounds some antidotes and suggestions to the development of small rural towns in Hubei following six aspects: 1. To make proposal of small towns’ construction with guiding principle, emphasis, scale and goals. 2. To build scientific planning and proper layout to construct the small towns. 3. To suit measures to local condition and highlight characteristics. 4. To perfect both concerted policies and innovate systems which consist of household register, land management, industrial policy, social security, administration mechanism, investment and layout management. 5. To carry out the strategy of small towns’ sustainable development. 6. Facing the market, to collect funds in as more as possible directions and channels and to reform the investment mode about the construction of small towns.

【关键词】 湖北城镇化小城镇发展模式对策
【Key words】 Hubeiurbanizationsmall townsthe development modelantidote
  • 【分类号】F299.27
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】900