

【作者】 李乃志

【导师】 于在平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 构造地质学与信息处理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 数据库是上世纪六十年代发展起来的一门技术,是保存、管理和输出数据的有效工具。在各行各业得到了广泛的关注和应用。 20世纪80年代后期,数据库开始在国内地学中应用,很大程度上促进了地学的发展。但是中国的地学数据库工作仍处于发展阶段,大量的地学数据和资料有待于系统整理和归纳入库。这样,不仅不利于资料和数据的长期保存,而且也很不便于资料的查询、检索和再利用。因此,建立各种各样的数据库或专题数据库是非常必要的。 巢湖地区位于扬子板块的东北缘,郯庐断裂东侧,在漫长的地质历史时期中经过多次构造变形,形成了以东西向为主,叠加北北东向构造的复合构造格局。区内出露地层比较完整,地层产状比较平缓,褶皱、断层、节理和岩脉均比较发育,给区域地质调查和地质填图实习提供了一处绝佳的场所。 上世纪50年代该区就开始作为教学实习基地,进行区域调查和地质填图野外教学。到上世纪末本世纪初,已先后有30多所学校将该区作为区调填图实习基地。2003年,西北大学地质学系将二年级野外实习基地从陕西汉中梁山转移到该地区。前人对该区有较多的研究,积累了比较丰富的资料,但这些资料主要是传统的文本和图件,难以满足现代教育技术的应用和现代地质教学改革的要求,同时不能够更好的引起学生的学习兴趣。因此,开发一种互动式的包括丰富生动文字图片资料的实习数据库很有必要,也是本论文的立题依据和目的。 根据巢湖地区区域构造特征和地层发育情况,本文选择中小型关系数据库Windows Office2000系列的Access2000作为数据库的操作系统,选择目前比较流行的可视化编程软件Visual Basic6.0作为数据库的开发工具,同时利用了结构化查询语言SQL的强大功能。系统针对巢北实习区数据特征,主要开发设计了数据输入、数据维护、数据浏览查询和数据输出四个部分的功能,用户可以方便的对数据库的数据进行添加、修改、删除等操作,使数据库具有较强的更新升级能力,为以后的进一步研究开发作数据和技术上的储备。数据库共包括了地层、构造、化石、区调填图实习方法和野外记录等共计14个表格,针对不同内容的特点设计了友好、简洁、直观的用户界面。

【Abstract】 Database is a technology that developed from the 1960s, which is an effective tool to save、 manage and output data. It’s widely used in many fields.In 1980s, database came into use in the geological researches and brought about an advance. But the geological database is still at developing stage in China. A large number of geological data need to be arrayed and put into databases. However, this is inconvenient not only for preservation but also for inquiry and search. So it is necessary to set up a series of databases.Chaobei area is located in the Northeast range of Yangtze plate and east of Tan-Lu fault zone. After a long period of geological evolvement, the stratum in this area forms complex structure, which is primarily E-W and NNE superposition. Chaobei area developed most stratums and the attitude of stratums are placid. Folds, faults, cleavages are developed in this area that provide a good field for regional geological survey and geological mapping.Chaobei area worked as the field practice base for regional geological survey and geological mapping since 1950s. Until now, there are more than 30 colleges and universities to set up regional geological survey base here. Chaobei area has been a new field practice base for the sophomores of the department of geology of Northwest University since 2003. After many years’ researches, We have accumulated abundant resources, but the traditional texts and pictures on paper can not meet the demand of the application of technology in education and reform in geological education and can not appeal to the students as well. Hence, it is necessary to set up a database with vivid texts and pictures, which is also the purpose of the paper.According the characteristic of regional structure and stratum, we adopt Access 2000 as the operation system of database, the popular visual programming soft—Visual Basic 6.0 and the operate function of structure query language—SQL as the developing tools to develop the database management system of Chaobei area regional geological survey and geological mapping. The system primarily includes four modules: data input module, data maintenance module, data query module and data output one. It is convenient for users to append, modify and delete data for further research. The database includes fourteen tables that are stratum, structure, fossil, regional geological survey methods and fields records. And the friendly intuitionistic interface can make the user master the principle of the system in a short time.

【关键词】 巢北地区地质填图数据库VBAccess
【Key words】 Chaobei areageological mappingdatabaseVBAccess
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 04期
  • 【分类号】P623.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】344