

【作者】 陈楚华

【导师】 肖奚强;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文先把汉语和泰语的否定副词、时间副词和程度副词进行对比研究,然后对泰国学生关于这三类副词的偏误情况进行了考察。这三类副词的偏误情况主要是:一、语际偏误,即受母语的影响而造成的运用偏误;二、语内偏误,即由于没有掌握好汉语的语义以及对一些意义相近的副词之间的细微差别不甚了解,由此而造成的偏误。 首先进行汉泰否定副词的对比。本人经过研究发现,汉泰否定副词虽然位置相同,但是有些在句中的用法不尽相同。比如现代汉语常用的否定词有“不”和“没”两个,而泰语一般用“[mai]”一个否定副词来表示,而泰语一个“[mai]”既可与“不”相应,又可与“没”相应。因此,学生经常将“不”和“没”互相代替使用,造成“误代偏误”的情况。 其次是汉泰时间副词的对比。本章讨论的关于时间副词的偏误,有“误加偏误”、“错序偏误”和“误代偏误”。汉泰的时间副词的语法位置有所不同,因此学生使用时间副词的时候会出现“错序偏误”的情况;因汉语中有几对意义相近的时间副词,如“常常”和“往往”、“快”和“快要”、“在”、“正”和“正在”等,因此学生使用时间副词的时候经常出现“误代偏误”的情况。 最后是汉泰程度副词对比。本章所讨论的偏误,有“错序偏误”、“误加偏误”、“误代偏误”以及“遗漏偏误”。因汉泰程度副词的语法位置完全不同,学生使用汉语程度副词的时候就经常出现“错序偏误”情况;学生还会因泰语自身的程度副词的影响,在使用汉语程度副词的时候出现“误加偏误”、“误代偏误”的情况;而“遗漏偏误”是由于母语用法的影响和对汉语词汇意义理解的偏差。 通过汉泰否定副词、时间副词和程度副词对比以及对学生各种偏误情况的分析,希望能使泰国汉语教学进一步全面认识汉语和泰语的这些副词的联系和差别,有助于泰国汉语教学,促进汉泰语言、文化的进一步交流。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is primarily concerned with the comparative study of Adverb of Negation, Time, and Quantity in Thai and Chinese language.According to our research, mistakes Thai learners of Chinese language make in using them, have two reasons: both of them being connected to the nature of the native language, Interlanguage, and the second language, Intralanguage.There are two different cases, when it comes to the position of the Adverb of Negation, in a sentence: it can be same in Thai and Chinese, or a slightly different. This is a reason why students often misuse them. For example, in Chinese, "bu"and "mei" can be use for denying, but, in Thai, only one word can be used for denying "mai".As a consequence, Thai students often make mistakes when using "bu"and "mei".When it comes to the Adverb of Time, they have different word-order in Thai, where it can be placed before or after verb, while in Chinese only before the verb. This creates a problem in usage, called mis-order. Additionally, some Adverbs of Time, close in meaning, such as, "changchang" and "wangwang"; "kuai"and "kuaiyao";"zai"、 "zheng"and "zhengzai"can also often be misused.Furthermore, Thai and Chinese Adverbs of Time, have a different word-order. The same is with Adverb of Quantity, which caused four types of mistakes: mis-order, mis-adding,misuse and missing.This research, based on the comparative study of Adverb of Negation, Time, and Quantity, in Chinese and Thai, as well as analysis of mistakes Thai learners of Chinese make, will be a guideline for the usage of Adverbs of Negation, Adverbs of Time and Adverb of Quantity in Chinese and make a contribution to teaching Chinese as a foreign language as well.

【关键词】 汉泰对比副词偏误分析
【Key words】 Comparative StudyAdverbError Analysis
  • 【分类号】H146;H412
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】2090