

Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profiles from NOAA/ATOVS and Data Assimilating Experiments in Meteorological Mesoscale Model

【作者】 徐萍

【导师】 贺明霞;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋信息技术, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文系统介绍了气象卫星的发展、遥感原理以及大气参数反演方法;详细介绍了NOAA/ATOVS传感器工作原理及其大气温度、湿度、风矢量廓线反演方法;对MM5中尺度气象数值预报模式、数据同化方法也作了简要介绍。 本论文旨在运行中国海洋大学NOAA/SeaWiFS卫星地面站SeaSpace TeraScan软件包中ATOVS大气温度、湿度、风矢量廓线反演软件,并在UNIX操作系统下编写了批处理程序,以增加卫星地面站遥感数据服务项目和数据用户。 为探讨NOAA/ATOVS大气反演参数在MM5中尺度气象数值预报模式中的数据同化,以2004年8月8~12日产生于西北太平洋的“云娜”台风路径数值预报为例,设计了同化试验方案,数据同化采用MM5自带的观测松弛方法(Obs-Nudging)。结果表明,NOAA/ATOVS大气温度、湿度、风矢量剖面数据在MM5模式中进行同化,其复杂性和计算量均可达到应用的要求。

【Abstract】 The history of meteorological satellites, the principle of meteorological remote sensing and retrieval methods for atmospheric parameters are introduced comprehensively in this thesis. The principle of Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (ATOVS) on board the new generation of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminisstration (NOAA) polar-orbiting satellites and the retrieval methods for temperature, humidity and wind profiles are given indetails. Meteorological mesoscale model and data assimilating methods are described briefly.The ATOVS processing software of SeaSpace / TeraScan Package for atmospheric temperature, humidity and wind retrieval profiles is tested and a batch program under UNIX is carried out to process the data automatically in order to add the products service of the satellite ground station of Ocean University of China to more users.In order to discuss the assimilation of the profile data retrieved from ATOVS into MM5 (5th meteorological mesoscale model), the simulations on the case of the route of Rananim typhoon occurred over the western Pacific ocean from 8 to 12, August 2004 are carried out. The method of data assimilation is Observation Nudging which is built in MM5. The result shows the complexity and calculational capacity meet to the application.

【关键词】 ATOVS反演大气温湿廓线MM5台风
【Key words】 ATOVSretrievalatmospheric temperature and humidity profilesMM5typhoon
  • 【分类号】P412.27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】526