

Study on Copyright Parallel Importation in the Area of International Trade

【作者】 佟彤

【导师】 李冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济一体化的发展进程,国与国之间的往来日益频繁,在国际贸易领域出现了一些国内贸易中不会出现的问题,本文所研究的平行进口就是其中之一。举个简单的例子:中国甲公司是美国某知识产权的独家代理商,而美国该商品同时又向菲律宾等国家出口,如中国乙公司从菲律宾进口一批同样此种知识产权产品并在国内销售,那中国市场就出现了甲乙两公司同时经营这种知识产权产品的局面。相对于独家代理商的先行进口,乙公司的行为就是通常所说的“平行进口”。 关于平行进口是否合法、如何规制等一系列问题,知识产权界和国际贸易界人士都进行了广泛而深入的探讨。时至今日,平行进口问题仍然是大家关注的焦点话题。在中国内地,有关专利权和商标权的平行进口问题研究较为成熟,而在版权领域则显得比较薄弱。伴随着我国加入WTO,进出口贸易迅猛增长,有关版权领域的平行进口纠纷已经呈现愈发增多的趋势。因此,对版权领域的平行进口问题作进一步地深入研究有着重大的实践指导意义。 本文在平行进口的理论基础上,深入分析了版权产品平行进口产生的经济根源及理论界对其合法性的争议,系统阐述了各国的司法实践,在此基础上,提出了我国针对版权平行进口的立法建议及调控手段,并为版权平行进口的相关权利人提供了一些对策。 在研究方法上,本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法为基础,以综合性、整体性、动态性和实践性作为研究原则,运用经济学、法理学、民法学、版权法学等领域学科知识,主要采用理论分析方法,辅以典型判例评介。

【Abstract】 With the worldwide economic integration process, interaction among countries becomes increasingly frequent. Parallel importation, which is one of many new issues emerging in international trade field different from those in domestic trade field, has attracted great attention. For instance, one Chinese company (hereinafter Company A) is the sole agent of an American property right product. In the meantime, the American product is exported to other countries such as Philippines. Now, if another Chinese company (hereinafter Company B) imported the same property right product from Philippines and pushed sales in domestic market, then there would be two Chinese companies, namely Company A and Company B, in the same business in China simultaneously. Compared with the antecedent importation of the sole agent, Company A, the business behavior of Company B is commonly called Parallel Importation.Experts on intellectual property right and international trade area have discussed extensively and deeply whether parallel importation is legal and how to regulate it. Till now, those questions are still a hot topic. In China’s mainland, study of intellectual property right related to patent right and trademark right is more mature than that related to copyright. Chinese import and export amount after China joined WTO has gotten a sharp increase, and under the circumstances, parallel importation dissension on copyright tends to increase too. Therefore, it is practical and helpful to explore deeply the parallel importation in copyright area.Based on the theory of parallel importation, this article analyzed thoroughly the economic root of parallel importation, reviewed the discussion of its theoretical validity, explained systematically justice practices in many countries, proposed some legislation suggestion and regulation measures of copyright parallel importation in China and gave relevant stakeholders some advice.As to research approach, based on dialectical materialism and historical materialism principles and discipline knowledge such as economics, nomology, science of civil law and science of copyright law, this article mainly adopted theoretical analytical method, emphasized integration, dynamics and practicalness, and introduced typical legal prejudication review.

  • 【分类号】D997.1
  • 【被引频次】1
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