

【作者】 高雯

【导师】 杨丽珠;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 跨时间和跨情境的一致性是特质的一个重要特点。特质的这种稳定性特点有助于人们分析、判断自己或他人的行为和心理信息,帮助人们对他人行为做出预测,组织和调控自己的行为反应。因此,对于人们特质稳定性理解的考察有助于解释人们稳定的或者特定社会情境下的行为差异。在心理理论研究的指导下,本研究主要采用“特质性质(行为、心理)—特质类型—特质性质(行为、心理)”的研究范式,对3~9岁儿童的特质稳定性理解发展特点及其与人格特质的相关关系进行考察。研究一采用个别测查法或问卷法分别对4~5岁的幼儿、7~8岁的小学低年级儿童和20~22 岁的大学生共120 人进行了8 个自编的故事测验,结果发现年幼儿童(幼儿和小学低年级儿童)与大学生成人被试相比对于特质的稳定性持有一种乐观的观点,即积极特质具有较强的稳定性,而消极特质则是可塑变化的。在研究一方法和结论的基础上,研究二采用改进后的8 个故事测验进一步探讨3~9 岁儿童特质稳定性理解的发展特点,统计结果证实了研究一的结论,并且发现3~9 岁儿童能够较为统一地使用特质引发规则进行特质稳定性推理,但这种推理是不稳定的,其中过程不排除其它因素的干扰;研究还发现3~9岁儿童的特质识别也具有显著的年龄差异和特质性质、类型上的差异,但是特质识别揭示的儿童特质理解水平要高于自由描述法揭示的特质理解水平。在前两个研究的基础上,研究三旨在考察3~9 岁儿童特质稳定性理解与人格特质的关系。使用t 检验、相关分析和多元回归分析的方法对数据进行分析,结果发现,3~4岁持不同特质观的儿童并未表现出显著的人格差异,而5~9岁持不同特质观的儿童已然开始展现出不同的人格差异;聪慧性特质稳定性理解与认真有恒、攻击反抗、合作尽责和敏感焦虑相关极其显著,认真尽责特质稳定性理解与认真有恒、开朗活泼特质相关显著,同情利他特质稳定性理解与攻击反抗相关极其显著;其中大部分特质稳定性理解都可以用来预测相应人格特质行为表现。年幼儿童特质稳定性理解超现实的乐观主义对于个体的发展具有重要的生物进化意义,在保护他们的自尊和动机方面扮演了重要的角色,对于解释青春期的无助感和自杀的发生具有一定的意义。同时,我们可以看到个体积极主动的建构过程和外部生态环境系统对于个体发展的影响。另外,个体在特质稳定性理解方面的不同与相应人格特质的行为表现之间的相关和预测关系有力地支持了人格认知流派的理论观点。

【Abstract】 Belief about the stability of traits refers to the understanding about whether traits are fixed or malleable, comes from one’s social learning and self-experiences. This belief can be used to help people to analyze one self’s or other people’s behaviors or minds, and deduce their future behaviors, organize or control one self’s reactions. This can be regarded as one of the reasons to explain people’s different behaviors. Under the influence of the researches on theory of mind, this research is to investigate the development of 3-9 years old children’s understanding about the stability of traits and the relations with their personality traits. Eight short constructed stories in study 1,showed with a set of drawings or on the paper, were used to test 40 children(4-5 years old) from the kinder garden, 40 students(7-8 years old)from elementary school and 40 undergraduate students(20-22 years old)from a normal university as an adult group. The statistic results showed that in predictions on negative traits, all age groups had significant age difference, which didn’t exist in reasoning on positive traits. Young children were optimistic compared with the adult group, which is helpful to their developments and the explanations to children’s depression or helpless in adolescence. 281 young children (3-9 years old) were tested to further the research with the improved stories. The results verified study 1’s conclusions, and also found young children can put trait information into the process about the stability, but which is not stable. The relations between the understanding and personality traits were also studied to show the importance of cognitive factors in the personality system. The results found children at 3-4 years old which had different beliefs about the stability of traits had no significant differences on some traits, but did in children at 5-9 years old. Some ideas about the stability of traits are related to some personality traits through the control of one’s goals and concerns.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】515