

【作者】 邢娜

【导师】 焦庆祝;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 无机化学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用失重法,通过测定不同化合物存在条件下,不锈钢在5%氢氟酸介质中的腐蚀速率和缓蚀率,筛选出氢氟酸体系中对不锈钢缓蚀效果较好的几类化合物。 选取这几类化合物中的硫脲、硫氰酸钠、丙炔醇和溴代十六烷基砒啶分别作为研究对象。通过吸附理论和电化学极化曲线研究它们在5%氢氟酸介质中对不锈钢的缓蚀作用,分析缓蚀作用的机理。实验结果表明:这几种物质在不锈钢表面产生单分子层吸附,并且满足Langmuir吸附规律,丙炔醇的吸附过程为吸热反应,随着温度的升高,吸附能力增强,缓蚀率升高;其它三种化合物的吸附过程均为放热反应,温度升高,吸附能力下降,缓蚀率降低。在60℃时它们的缓蚀率分别为:96.98%、96.54%、95.23%和86.86%。硫脲为阳极抑制型缓蚀剂,其他三种化合物为混合型缓蚀剂,这四种缓蚀剂存在时都能使腐蚀电流有不同程度的降低。 由于各单组分缓蚀剂缓蚀率不能满足实际需要,因此通过正交实验方法对这几种物质进行复配,得到一种缓蚀效果较好的复合缓蚀剂,命名为XN-1,并对该复合缓蚀剂进行各种缓蚀性能的评价。分别测定了该缓蚀剂存在条件下,不锈钢在氢氟酸溶液中的腐蚀速率随温度、氢氟酸浓度和时间的变化。实验证明该缓蚀剂在高温、强酸度和长时间作用环境中,均具有优良缓蚀性能;在其存在条件下,不锈钢试片的腐蚀速率均能满足国家标准(〈6 g·m-2·h-1)。通过电化学实验证明该复合缓蚀剂是一种混合型缓蚀剂。同时,我们摄取了不同腐蚀条件下,不锈钢表面的扫描电镜照片,能够看到不锈钢表面没有产生点蚀、缝隙腐蚀等非均匀腐蚀,

【Abstract】 This paper studied the corrosion velocity and corrosion inhibition efficiency of stainless steel in 5% hydrofluoric acid with nearly a hundred of compounds seperatly  by weight-loss method.Then a few kinds of compounds with good corrosion inhibition effect have been got in hydrofluoric acid solution.    In these compounds thiourea、sodium thiocyanate storage tanks、propiolic alcohol and cetyl pyridinium bormide are selected as research objects.Their corrosion inhibition action of stainless steel in hydrofluoric acid is studied by adsorption theory and electrochemical polarization-curve method,the mechanism of corrosion inhibition action is analyzed.the result shows that the single molecule layer of these compounds is adsorbed on the surface of the stainless steel and followed Langmuir isothermal equation. the adsorption procedure of propiolic alcohol is endothermic reaction, the adsorption ability and corrosion inhibition efficiency increased when temperature rised. The adsorption procedure of other three compounds are all exothermic reaction , the adsorption ability and corrosion inhibition efficiency decreased when temperature increased.At 60℃,their corrosion inhibition efficiency are 96.98%、96.54%、95.23% and 86.86%.They are all mixed type inhibitors except that thiourea is anodic type inhibitor.The corrosion current is decreased by them in different degree.   These compounds used respectively have low corrosion inhibition efficiency in high temperature and can’t meet practical require.So a composite corrosion inhibitor named XN-1 with excellent corrosion inhibition efficiency is composed by orthogonal method.Corrosion inhibition action of this composite corrosion inhibitor has been evaluated.The corrosion rate of stainless steel in hydrofluoric acid has been determined with different temperature,different concentration of hydrofluoric acid and different time.It shows that under high temperature,strong acidity and when long time goes,this composite corrosion inhibitor possess excellent corrosion inhibition.When this composite corrosion inhibitor exist, The corrosion velocity of stainless steel accorded with national standard (<6 g·m-2·h-1). Electrochemical polarization-curve experiment testify the composite corrosion inhibitor is an mixed type inhibitor. The SEM  photos of stainless steel surface have been taken under different corrosion condition.It has no heterogeneous corrosion such as dot corrosion and aperture corrosion on stainless steel surface.So the mechanical performance of stainless steel has no changed when this composite corrosion inhibitor exsit.It emply this composite corrosion inhibitor is an excellent high-temperature corrosion inhibitor of stainless steel in hydrofluoric acid solution.

  • 【分类号】TG174.42
  • 【被引频次】3
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