

Studies on Controlling Cd,Methamidophos and SO2 of Tremella Fuciformis

【作者】 刘洁玉

【导师】 谢宝贵;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 土壤学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 食品安全问题是当前银耳生产中的一个突出问题,在全世界范围内,人们也越来越关注无公害产品。一些国家和地区拒绝进口被污染的农产品,因此古田银耳产业面临着严峻的考验。 为了找出影响古田银耳安全品质的关键点,本研究首先对古田银耳进行安全品质调查,调查结果表明:在铅、镉、汞、砷、六六六、滴滴涕、敌敌畏、甲胺磷、氧化乐果、久效磷、马拉硫磷、多菌灵、甲醛、二氧化硫等十四个指标中,镉、甲胺磷和二氧化硫这三个指标的值均高出项目规定的指标。 在调查的基础上,经过跟踪试验发现: (1)培养料中的棉籽壳镉含量均大于0.05mg·kg-1(项目“银耳绿色食品标准研究”规定的指标为镉含量(0.05mg·kg-1),而且从培养料到出耳管理银耳中镉的含量的变化情况显示银耳中的镉主要来源于培养料中的棉籽壳。 (2)在甲胺磷添加试验中,培养料在灭菌时会分解掉一部分甲胺磷,随着银耳的生长,到出耳时培养料中添加的甲胺磷大部分被分解。而对出耳期间的喷施试验中发现:高毒、大量的农药使用导致银耳甲胺磷超标; (3)硫磺熏蒸银耳在古田已有一段历史,熏蒸在提高银耳价格的同时,也给银耳的长久发展带来了隐患。经过检测发现:银耳的二氧化硫含量严重超标是由硫磺熏蒸造成的。 (4)通过以上的调查检测,建议银耳绿色食品生产规范中应该注意以下几方面:进行无污染原材料筛选;杜绝甲胺磷等剧毒农药的使用是银耳安全生产的关键技术环节,大力提倡生物农药的使用;进行纯白银耳的研培,取缔硫磺熏蒸。

【Abstract】 Food safety is an outstanding problem in Tremella fuciformis production. People paid more attention to non-polluted product in our world, and some countries and regions have refused to import contaminated farm product. The industry of Tremella fuciformis in GuTian has faced a severe challenge.The objectives of this paper were investigating the safety quality problem of Tremella fuciformis. Research was started with general investigation about Tremella fuciformis. After testing these 14 properties (including Pb, Cd, As, Hg, 666, D. D. T, dichlorvos, methamidophos, omethoate, monocrotophos, malathion, carbendazim, formaldehyde and S02),the results showed that the quantity of Cd, methamidophos and S02 were over the food safety standard .The results of tracing experiment showed that: (l)The content of Cd in culture material is beyond 0. 05mg. kg-1, and from the stage of product to the stage of harvest the content of Cd changed greatly. So the excess of Cd in Tremella fuciformis mainly came from cotton seed hull.(2)Additive experiment indicated: Sterilization can degrade some methamidophos in culture material, along with the growth of Tremella fuciformis more and more methamidophos were degraded, when in harvest there were only a few methamidophos left. In spraying pesticide experiment we found that : the use of high toxic and a great deal of methamidophos in Tremella fuciformis production that results in over standard residue of the pesticide in Tremella fuciformis products.(3) It was a long history for the use of Sulfur to suffocate Tremella fuciformis. Though sulfur suffocation raise Tremella

【关键词】 银耳甲胺磷二氧化硫安全品质
【Key words】 Tremella fuciformisCdMethamidophosS02Security quality
  • 【分类号】S646.6
  • 【下载频次】180