

Discuss on the Possibility and Earlier Experimental Study of Asarum Siebuldii as the Termicides

【作者】 罗明媚

【导师】 刘树民;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中药学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 白蚁广布于温带及热带地区,是危害率高、破坏性极大的社会昆虫。我国南方白蚁危害十分猖獗,据估算,湖广地区每年白蚁危害造成的经济损失就达10亿元人民币。多年来我国使用氯丹、灭蚁灵、亚砷酸钠等化学药剂来防治白蚁。由于这些药物对环境的污染和人类健康的危害,一些国家已相继禁用。而我国目前尚未有良好的替代药物。近年来,植物源杀虫剂因其具有高效、低毒或无毒、无污染、选择性高、不易产生抗药性等优点,日益受到白蚁防治业界的重视。 细辛(马兜铃科细辛属)为我国传统中草药,具有祛风散寒,通窍止痛,温肺化饮之功效,自古以来,一直被医家视为祛除痼疾的常用药。但因“细辛不可过钱”之说,严重束缚了其临床应用及疗效的发挥。 我国民间自古就用细辛包袋,祛虫避秽。我国南方将细辛全草铺于地板下以防白蚁侵蛀。为探讨细辛制成白蚁防治剂的可行性,本课题首先通过对北细辛各成分组群的栖北散白蚁毒效研究,探讨了其抑杀白蚁的活性成分,并测定其含量:其次对活性成分组群进行了农药第一阶段的安全性评价。实验结果显示:(1) 北细辛挥发油对栖北散白蚁具有较好的驱避作用和熏蒸活性,甲基丁香酚是其熏蒸作用的活性物质;(2) 北细辛醇提物对栖北散白蚁具有一定的触杀作用,细辛脂素为其触杀作用的有效成分;(3) 通过高效液相法测定了北细辛醇提物中细辛脂素的含量,约为28.04mg/g;(4) 北细辛醇提物的急性经口毒性、急性经皮毒性均属低毒级,且无急性皮肤刺激性、无眼刺激性、无皮肤过敏性。 本课题的研究为制成高效、低毒的细辛型白蚁防治剂奠定基础,其研究思路也将为发挥我国中药资源优势,进行中药在其它领域的深加工开发另辟蹊径。

【Abstract】 Termites blazoning in the temperate zone and the torrid zone is a kind of high-harmful society insect. The harmfulness caused by termites is terribly rampant in the southward of China. It was estimated that the economic expense caused by termites is approximately one billion RMB in Hubei and Guangdong provinces every year. In our country, the termicides often used include arsenicals, organchlorine compounds, organophosphates, and so on.Because the chemical termicides are highly harmful to the environment and human health, many countries have already stopped using them. However, there are no other replacers for the current chemical termicides in China. Lately, researchers have paid attention to the botanical insecticides that are high-effective, !ow-toxic, high-selectivity and not pollutive.Asarum is an efficacious traditional Chinese medicine. However, the toxicity of Asarum seriously restricts its clinic application. From of old, Chinese people have used Asarum to drive away insects. In Chinese southward, people have spreaded Asarum grass below the floor board to drive termites. In order to explore the possibility of Asarum as the termicides, this paper has studied on the toxic effects of Asarum heterotropoides Fr. Var. mandshuricum (Maxim.) kitag. against Reticulitermes flaviceps, discussed the active ingredients ngainst termites and mensurated its content. Moreover, we have evaluated the security of the active group. The results showed that: 1)Asarum naphtha has good repellent and suffocating activity against Reticulitermes flaviceps, and Methyleugenol is the active substance of its suffocating activity; (2)the ethanol extraction of Asarum has the definite contacting toxicity, and Asarinin is the active substance of its contacting toxicity; (3) the Asarinin content

  • 【分类号】R286
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】193