

Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Eczema (The Type of Yin Deficiency) with Rongfuqushitang

【作者】 闫景东

【导师】 王玉玺;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文综述了中医学及现代医学对湿疹的认识和研究概况,同时对导师王玉玺教授的多年临床经验进行总结,并采用滋阴除湿法对阴伤型湿疹进行了临床研究。我们通过临床观察来确定荣肤祛湿汤治疗阴伤型湿疹的疗效,具体方法是将符合病例纳入标准的67例观察对象随机分为两组,其中治疗组36例,对照组31例,两组在年龄、性别、病程等方面具有可比性。治疗组口服荣肤祛湿汤,对照组口服盐酸西替利嗪片,并对治疗前后两组患者的瘙痒程度、皮损面积及严重度(采用EASI评分法)进行了统计分析,结果两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),说明荣肤祛湿汤是治疗湿疹的有效方剂,其在临床症状的改善方面优于对照药西替利嗪。

【Abstract】 The thesis survey the advance made in TCM and Modern medicine on eczema disease , summarize the clinical experience which was achieved by my tutor ,professor Wang Yuxi ,at the same time ,conduct the experiment study which adopt RongFuQuShiTang curing eczema .We divide 67 clinical cases into two groups , the therapy group which was treated by oral RongFuQuShiTang has 36 patients , the contrast group which was treated by oral modern medicine Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets has 31 patients , and these two groups can compare in year , sex and the course of disease .Through comparing the itching degree , eczema area and severity degree(adopting EASI grade point method ) of the treatment in front and back , we come to the result that the therapy group is better than the contrary group.Therefore , this research indicates that RongFuQuShiTang is an effective prescription , it will be wide populated and applied in clinic .

  • 【分类号】R275.9
  • 【被引频次】1
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