

【作者】 孟庆涛

【导师】 张永和;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法理学, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 自进入20世纪以来,“革命”就成了中国问题中的一个核心主题。围绕这个主题,中国展开了“革命”与“反革命"的持久斗争。及至史无前例的“文化大革命”的完结,中国所谓的“革命”高潮方才过去。也正是在这同一个世纪,中国人展开了对“宪政”秩序的追求。中国成了各种政治体制的试验场,各个政权你方唱罢我便登场。也同样是在“文化大革命”之后,中国人建设“宪政”秩序的努力方才获得了相对稳定的国内环境。 回避历史总是令有良知的中国人感到不安。百年来,中国人徘徊在“革命”与“秩序”之间,在两者的夹缝中间突围,却往往事与愿违。更为重要的是,中国人对惨痛的回忆特别容易遗忘,常常为这些不快寻找“面向未来”的话语安慰。却忘了,“面向未来”是不能忽略过去的。忽略过去意味着背叛,只有深刻地反思才是中国人应有的品格。需要反思的很多,但“革命”与“秩序”的问题尤其需要引起我们的重视。 中国75宪法是在特定的历史条件下产生的一个宪法文本。由于时代的局限,对其进行思想上或者说理念上的探讨的文章较少见,多是大而化之的说明。对它的产生进行思想渊源上的探讨,以此作为历史的借鉴,当是有意义的。本文正是立意于以75宪法作为一个例证,来探讨“革命”与“秩序”的关系问题,以期为人们进一步思考提供一个基本的路径。 全文共计3万字,分为五个部分: 引论部分,提出中国75宪法的一个特殊现象是把“革命”理论写入宪法文本。这一现象实质上蕴含了“革命”与“秩序”的关系问题。 第一部分,主要讨论了“革命”问题。近代以来,中国在政治合法性的论证方面,实现了由“君权神授”到“民主革命”的转变,“革命”因而成为20世纪政治合法性论证的根基。但这种转变中实际上隐含着一个基本矛盾。立基于此,毛泽东在新政权合法性问题的论证上就得应对这个矛盾。他为此作出了自己的论证,提出了“无产阶级专政下继续革命”的理论。本文着重对这一理论进行了梳理和分析,认为这一论证在根本上存在着缺陷。 第二部分,主要讨论了“秩序”问题。革命本身不是目的,真正的目的是为了建设新秩序。“无产阶级专政下继续革命”则是为了建设“革命

【Abstract】 Since the 20th century, "revolution" has been a key topic of all the problems in China. According to the topic, a long-lasted struggle between "revolution" and "counter-revolution" has been carried on in China. The climax of so-called "revolution" didn’t stop until the ending of the unprecedented "Cultural Revolution" in China.It’s in the same century that Chinese began to search for the order of constitutionalism. China has been an experimental place where all kinds of political theories were carried out. Different political powers take into power in turns. Meanwhile, after the "Cultural Revolution" , a relatively stable national environment came into being which results from the great efforts of Chinese who want to establish the order of constitutionalism.Those Chinese who escape from the history will always feel uneasy. Chinese hesitate between "revolution" and "order" for hundreds of years. They want to make a choice but always fail. Furthermore, Chinese always forget those terrible memories easily and find some excuse for "facing the future" . They forget that "facing the future" should be based on the history. Ignoring the past means betraying. Profound introspection should be the character of Chinese. Many things should be self-examined but the most important one is "revolution" and "order" .75 Constitution in China is a constitutional version appeared under a very specified historical situation. As the limitation of times, articles about it in thoughts or in theories are very few. Most of them are in general terms. So it very meaningful to probe into its source of thoughts and draw lessons from history. This essay is due to probe into the relation between "revolution" and "order" according to the example of 75 Constitution. Furtherinformation is given to those who want to find more.There’ re totally 30,000 words in the essay, which is divided into five parts:Introductory part, a very special phenomenon appeared in 75 Constitution. That is the theory of "revolution" was written in the version of constitution. This essentially includes the relation of "revolution" and "order" .Part One mainly deals with the problem of "revolution" . Since modern times, as far as the demonstration of legal politics, China has changed from a country where the power is given by the god into a country of democratic revolution. So "revolution" has become a basic of the demonstration of legal politics in the 20th century. According to this, Mao Zedong should deal with the contradiction when he demonstrated the new legal state power. He made a conclusion. That is the theory of " going on revolution under the proletarian dictatorship" . This essay is focused on making in order and analyziny the defect which exists in the theory.Part Two deals with the problem of "order" . The real aim of revolution is not revolution itself but the new order. "Going on revolution under the proletarian dictatorship" is to establish the order of revolution. The final aim is to establish communist society. This part analyzes the essence of the "revolution order" .Part Three is the key part of the essay. It is about the relation between "revolution" and "order" . It begins with the right of words of revolution. The production of right of "revolution" is based on the mutual support and demonstration of "authority of state power" and "people" . Furthermore, the essay probes into the problem of the essential spirit of 75 Constitution. It remains contradiction under cover. After concealing the contradiction, we can find out the paradox of "revolution" and " order" in the "Cultural Revolution". That is the aim of revolution is to establish new order by way of destroying. The essay mainly analyzedthe cause of the paradox of "revolution" and "order" . 75 Constitution failed unavoidably due to those reasons.Ending part is about the conclusion. That is 75 Constitution failed because of self-schizophrenia. Meanwhile, the essay looks forward to the improvement of constitution in the new century. People should be aware that looking back on history is to grasp the future.

  • 【分类号】D921
  • 【被引频次】1
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