

Chemostratigraphy of Marine Cretaceous in Gyangze Area, Southern Tibet

【作者】 陈曦

【导师】 王成善; 李祥辉;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 第四纪地质学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 化学地层学是近三十年兴起的学科,是地层学新的发展方向,对于地层学的发展起到推动作用,化学地层同样具有地层划分与对比等方面的意义。白垩纪在地质历史中是一个特殊的时期,在科学研究中占有重要地位,我国海相白垩系主要分布于特提斯喜马拉雅带,该带以定日—定结—岗巴断层为界分为南带和北带,南带以定日、岗巴地区为代表,北带以江孜地区为代表,本文以江孜地区床得剖面为代表,论述了其化学地层学特征以及不同层段地球化学变化规律。 前人对江孜地区海相白垩系做过一系列研究,由下而上可以分为五个岩石地层单元:黑层、白层、硅质岩段、红层和滑塌层。前人在地球化学研究基础上得出前三者为缺氧沉积,而红层形成于富氧环境。本次工作在此基础上,详细地记录了岩石的颜色特征,并系统地研究了床得剖面地球化学方面特性,对已有的数据进行了加密,使之达到一个较高的分辨率。更清晰地反映出从黑层、白层、硅质岩段及红层地球化学指标变化规律,并依据不同地球化学指标,以床得剖面为代表,对江孜地区海相白垩系进行了化学地层划分。具体工作主要包括TOC、CaCO3、常量元素含量、漫反射光谱学特性,并分析了样品中铁氧化物组成,得出床得剖面白垩纪地层具有以下特征: TOC含量具有明显的旋回性,从黑层至硅质岩段可划分出十次旋回,而红层由于TOC含量极低,不具有旋回性特征,在黑层顶部,TOC含量达到峰值。 CaCO3含量以白层最高,黑层底部、硅质岩段及红层CaCO3含量极低,整体而言,CaCO3含量规律性不明显。 铁、铝、钾、磷、镁、铊等含量变化特征相似,黑层顶部出现一次骤升,在红层平均含量达到最高,而硅含量变化与此相反,锰含量低,变化不明显,钠、钙等含量有较大的变化幅度。 FeO含量与全铁含量变化曲线近负相关,造成在红层内Fe3+/Fe比值显著升高。 沉积物可见光反射率与颜色密切相关,黑层和红层平均可见光反射率低,而白层和硅质岩段高,反射率也与铁含量相关。铁含量以及Fe3+/Fe升高,对于黄、橙、红等波段反射率上升。同样,样品中漫反射光谱特与多个地球化学指标有关,钙含量高,平均

【Abstract】 Cretaceous is a special period of many climatic and tectonic changes, therfore very important in geosciences research. Marine Cretaceous strata crops out in Tethyan Himalaya zone. The latter is divided into northern subzone of Tethyan Himalayas (northern subzone) and southern subzone of Tethyan Himalayas (southern subzone) by the Dingri-Dingjie-Gangba fault. Gyangze area is located in the northern subzone. In this paper, the geochemical characteristic of the Chuangde section located in the Gyangze area is discussed.Marine Cretaceous strata at Gyangze area have been studied by several geologists, who established that the Gybure Formation was deposited in dysoxic environment. In a contrast the Chuangde Formation formed during time period when the ocean bottom water was rich in dissolved oxygen. The geochemical characteristics of Chuangde section is analyzed with higher precission than was previously available and include total organic carbon (TOC), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), main elements, Fe oxides and features of Diffuse Reflectance Spectrocopy.TOC data divide the sequence into ten cycles, from the black unit up to the siliceous unit. The red beds have lower TOC content. TOC is highest at the top of the black unit.CaCO3 content reaches the peak in white unit. CaCO3 is very low at the bottom of black unit, siliceous unit and in red beds.Fe, Al, K, P, Mg and Ti have a similar behavior through the section. They increase sharply at the top of black unit, and reach highest content in red bed. This trend is opposite to the changes in the Si content. Mn has a lower content than the above elements and does not show any obvious pattern. Na and Ca content show high variability through the section. Fe2+ contents is lowest in red bed, but the Fe3+ reaches the peak.The Diffuse Reflectance Spectrocopy was used to correlate reflectancy with the content of Ca, TOC, and Fe. Reflectancy is increasing with an increase in Ca content and decreasing

  • 【分类号】P534.53
  • 【被引频次】2
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