

On Guo Xiang’s "Suiting One’s Nature is Being Free and Unfettered"

【作者】 牛海芳

【导师】 彭自强; 潘佳铭; 岳跃;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 郭象是魏晋玄学发展中的重要人物,是玄学崇有派哲学思想的集大成者。他提出了“适性逍遥”的理论。郭象的“适性逍遥”理论是当时社会政治和文化背景的产物,是对当时士人融高雅与庸俗为一体的生活方式的反映。本文以郭象的“适性”理论为基点,以追求一种现实和超越的统一为暗含于全文的主线,以“适性”即“逍遥”为一个过渡性的论证,归结出郭象所指出的“圣人”的即世间的“逍遥”这一魏晋玄学的理论归宿。围绕现实与超越这一隐含的主线,本文主要从以下几个部分对郭象“适性”即“逍遥”之思想进行论述: 第一部分:“适性”而为。这一部分从郭象哲学中的最基本的概念——“有”开始论述,由作为世界的唯一存在的“有”推论到事物的“自生”、“自有”、“独化”。事物的“自生”、“自有”、“独化”皆源于事物各自的“性分”。事物各自的“性分”是天然而有的,是不可更易的,因此万事万物便只能也只需去“适性”。 第二部分:“适性”即“逍遥”。由对万物在“适性”过程中可以处于一种平等、尊重与不执著的状态的分析和论证,归结出郭象的“适性”即“逍遥”的命题。 第三部分:即世间的逍遥——“名教即自然”。以前两部分为基础,既然应“适性”而为,而“适性”本身就是“逍遥”,那“适性”的过程就是对即世间逍遥的获得。本部分论证了圣人的“逍遥”以及达至这种即世间逍遥的方法,同时指出这种即世间的逍遥是名教与自然的融通为一,即郭象所说的“名教即自然”。 第四部分:余论:郭象“适性”即“逍遥”学说的人生观意义和政治意义。此部分是在前三部分对郭象“适性”即“逍遥”的理论进行分析、归结和论证之后,对郭象“适性逍遥”说的人生观以及政治层面上的意义所进行的一个论说、总结。

【Abstract】 Guo Xiang is a key person in the development of Weijin Metaphysics. It was he who brought forward the theory of "suiting one’s nature is being free and unfettered", which was not only the result of the then social and cultural backgrounds but also a reflection to then scholars’life style which had incorporated both elegance and philistinism into one. Based on the theory of "suiting one’s nature" of Guo Xiang, having pursuing the unification of reality and surpass as a main line implied in the whole paper and the theory of "suiting one’s nature is being free and unfettered" asthe transitional demonstration, the paper makes out the conclusion-pursuing afree and unfettered realm in the present world which is the destination of Weijin Metaphysics. Surrounding the unification of reality and surpass ,which is the main implied line , the paper wages its dissertation on Guo Xiang’s theory of "suiting one’s nature is being free and unfettered" mainly from the following four parts:Part Ⅰ: Suiting one’s nature . This part begins its dissertation from "bing"-themost basic concept of Guo Xiang’s philosophy. And from "bing", the exclusive existence in the world, the part deduces the "autogeny"and"individuality"of things. And all these are originated from the "life"of things. Because the "life"is unchangeable, all things must suit one’s nature.Part Ⅱ: Suiting one’s nature is being free and unfettered. Guo Xiang assists that if things suit their nature ,they are equal and liberal.So, suiting one’s nature is being free and unfettered.Part Ⅲ: A free and unfettered realm in the present world-"Mingjiao isNature". This part discusses ideal personality’s "Being free and unfettered " and the way of achieving it. Meanwhile,it points out that a free and unfettered realm in the present world is the incorporation of Mingjiao and nature.That is to say, "Mingjiao is Nature".Part Ⅳ: Epilogue: the philosophical and political meanings of Guo Xiang’s theory of "suiting one’s nature is being free and unfettered".

  • 【分类号】B235.6
  • 【被引频次】2
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