

The Effect of Three New Fungicides on Aquatic Daphnids

【作者】 汤保华

【导师】 蔡磊明; 王捷; 王颖;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 环境科学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 农药对环境带来的危害和风险日益引起人们的关注。本文从急性毒性、慢性毒性、胚胎毒性、性别分化影响、蜕皮过程、生理生化影响六个方面综合探讨了氟吗啉(SYP-L190)、SYP-48、SYP-1620 三种杀菌剂对水生蚤类动物的代表种-大型蚤(Daphnia magna)的影响。研究结果表明三种杀菌剂的48h EC50 分别为:72.94mg/L、8.83 mg/L、0.30 mg/L,其毒性大小为:氟吗啉<SYP-48<SYP-1620。在慢性毒性中,SYP-1620 在浓度为0.10mg/L 时, 显著延长大型蚤第一次怀卵时间,并且显著抑制其生长。氟吗啉只有在7.75mg/L 的最高浓度时才对大型蚤的存活数、平均产蚤数、平均窝数有显著性影响,但是对第一次怀卵时间、头胎时间、头窝蚤数、体长均没有显著性影响。SYP-48慢性毒性与氟吗啉相似,但在浓度为0.721 mg/L ,1.059mg/L 时对大型蚤的体长有显著性影响。三种杀菌剂对大型蚤的内禀增长率均有显著性影响, rm 是一个反映大型蚤中毒水平更敏感的指标。大型蚤的体长与繁殖力存在一定关系,是一个能够反映繁殖能力的优良指标。三种杀菌剂对大型蚤的胚胎毒性:氟吗啉<SYP-48<SYP-1620。氟吗啉与SYP-48 相似,主要是在高浓度影响胚胎发育后期-幼蚤壳刺弯曲或者发育不完全,第二触角的发育也受到抑制;而SYP-1620 对胚胎发育的各个阶段均有影响。本文未能得出三种杀菌剂对大型蚤性别分化产生干扰的结果。蜕皮是大型蚤生长的一个重要生理过程,三种杀菌剂中,SYP-48 (2.118mg/L)与SYP-1620(0.05 mg/L)均显著延迟大型蚤的蜕皮周期,氟吗啉与DES 未能对蜕皮产生显著性影响。过氧化氢酶(CAT)广泛存在于动植物体内,是一种重要的保护酶。研究表明氟吗啉(86.82mg/L)和SYP-1620(0.35 mg/L)显著抑制大型蚤体内CAT 的活性,SYP-48 对CAT 没有影响。综上所述,三种杀菌剂中,氟吗啉是一种较为安全的农药,符合农药发展趋势,其它两种应进一步深入研究。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the adverse effects of chemical pesticides on human health and the environment have caused a great deal of concern among scientists and the public. In this paper, there are six indictor, which including acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, embryo toxicity, sex differentiation, molting process and CAT, to reflects that Flumorph, SYP-48 and SYP-1620 have influences on aquatic invertebrate Daphnia magna. The result show that the 48h EC50 of three new type fungicide are 72.94mg/L、8.83 mg/L and 0.30 mg/L, the acute toxicity is Flumorph<SYP-48<SYP-1620. In the chronic test, when the concentration of SYP-1620 was 0.10mg/L, it can prolong Daphnia magma’s days to first pregnancy and influenced its growth significantly. The Flumorph’s highest concentration has great effects on the number of adult Daphnia, offspring per female, broods of per female, but it does not influence days to first pregnancy, days to first breeding and length significantly. The chronic toxicity of SYP-48 was Similar with Flumorph’s, but when the concentration was 1.059mg/L, it can inhibit Daphnia magma’s growth greatly. The three fungicides all can impact the intrinsic rate of Daphnia magna significantly; as a result the rm was a good toxic indicator of Daphnia magma’s population. At the same time, Daphniad’s lengths grow in proportion to its reproductive rate, so the length was a good indicator, too. Flumorph and SYP-48 all can restrain later development phase of Daphnia magma’s embryo, such as larval curved or unextended shell spine, undeveloped antennae. However, SYP-1620 was able to affect the whole embryo development phase adversely. Neither Flumorph nor SYP-48 and SYP-1620 were found to significantly alter male production of Daphnia magna. Molting was an important physiological process in his development. Only depending on molting, Daphnids can grow normally. In the three new type fungicides molting toxic test, SYP-48 (2.118mg/L) and SYP-1620 (0.05 mg/L) can significantly slow the molting of Daphnids, while Flumorph and DES did not inhibit the molting process. CAT was a key anti-oxidant enzyme in the body of animals and plants. In addition to SYP-48, Flumorph (86.82mg/L) and SYP-1620 (0.35 mg/L) can significantly decrease CAT activity. In a word, Flumorph was one kind of low toxic fungicides. We have to take measures to deeply investigate the other fungicides-SYP-48 and SYP-1620.

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