

The Resource of Tragopan Teminckii and the Analysis of Habitat in Mon.Badagongshan

【作者】 辜娇峰

【导师】 王德良;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究对象是国家二级保护动物红腹角雉(Tragopan teminckii)。2004年3月至2005年4月,对分布在湖南省八大公山国家级自然保护区中的红腹角雉进行了资源量和分布特征的调查,同时对其栖息地选择进行了分析。结果是: 一、红腹角雉作为森林鸟类,种群活动呈现如下规律: (1)红腹角雉白天多在地面活动,夜间在树上栖息。白天活动在沟谷、洼地、缓坡、岭脊、林间小道等处,觅食各种植物的嫩叶、芽、花、果等;夜晚栖息于树枝上,属树栖型鸟类,栖息的树种多样,有华山松、水青树、亮叶水青冈、多脉青冈、蓝果树、暖木等。 (2)红腹角雉的繁殖期是3月中旬~7月中旬。此时期红腹角雉的雄性成体表现出明显的占区性。当地护林员称之“叫山头”的现象,即一个山头非繁殖期无论有多少只雄性红腹角雉,但在繁殖期仅只有一只雄体,它可以通过鸣叫获得交尾权。如果同一山头有多只雄性红腹角雉性成熟,就会以格斗的方式排除异己。巢区面积从几十平方米到几百平方米不等。 (3)育雏期雏鸟多由雌鸟带领活动,雄鸟也与之一起活动。幼鸟、亚成鸟多成家族群栖息,一般要到第三年,近两周岁性成熟时,才分散活动。 (4)冬春季节,雌雄红腹角雉分开活动。为寻找食物以及躲避猛禽多活动于郁闭度较大的常绿阔叶林中,常在向阳绿色草本植物的地段上活动。 二、红腹角雉在八大公山国家级自然分布区的分布密度是: 繁殖种群数量是126±33.36只,密度是1.80±0.48只/km~2;冬春季种群数量是120±14.14只,密度是1.71±0.20只/km~2。在三个核心区中,均有红腹角雉分布,但主要分布在海拔1300m以上区域。 三、调查中发现红腹角雉对栖息地存在以下偏好: (1)植被因素方面:红腹角雉偏向于在常绿落叶阔叶混交林中活动,不喜爱在干燥茂密的竹林中活动。对于乔木郁闭度,红腹角雉偏向在郁闭度70%以上的森林中活动。对灌木盖度没有很大偏好,由于八大公山植物自然条件的分布,我们在盖度为40%和70%中发现红腹角雉痕迹最多。对于草本层,红腹角雉多选择活动在草本平均高度为11~30cm之间的区域。在沟谷带,草本盖度很大但草本平均高度在11-30cm之间;在山坡带,林下草本盖度为10-50%之间,草本平均高度也在11~30cm之间。因为是地面活动型鸟类,其活动区域排除乔木郁闭度和灌

【Abstract】 This thesis studies on Tragopan temminckii (English name: Crimson-bellied Tragopan),which is a national protection class II bird. From March 2004 to April 2005,the author monitored Crimson-bellied Tragopan’s habitat, investigated the resource and distribution pattern of this species .The results are :I . Crimson-bellied Tragopan is a type of forest birds, and the regulation of it’s population life is :1-Daytime, they move along the clough, billabong, slope and the path in the forest .In the same time , they look for food, such as bud, tender leaves, flowers, fruits and so on .Nighttime, they sack in the tree. The trees which are Tetracentron sinense Oliv , Nyssa sinensis Oliv, etc.2-The reproductive period begins from the middle ten days of March to the middle ten days of July. During this period , the maleness seizes hold of a hill clearly, and they disallow any other maleness to get in.3. In Crimson-bellied Tragopan’s brood time, the mother attends the children and subadults ,and the father sometimes gets along with them. Generally, it is 3 years that the children and subadults have lived with their family.4.Crimson-bellied Tragopan’s female and male dispart in spring and winter. In this time, they active in evergreen broad-leaved forest for food and evading the predator.II .Crimson-bellied Tragopan’s population density in Mon.Badagongshan national reserve:The density is per kilometer square 1.80±0.48 birds in reproductive period and 1.71±0.20 in spring and winter. Crimson-bellied Tragopan distribut in three core areaes, where the altitude is exceeding 1300m.III.The author found Crimson-bellied Tragopans’ is found of these habitats:1.Vegetation: Crimson-bellied Tragopan like to activate in evergreen broad-leaved and deciduous mixing forest, but dislike dryness -luxuriance bamboo forest. They prefer to take this kind of area that the tree canopy density over 70.00%,and care nothing .For the shrub cover degree, we found their trace most in that of 40.00% and 70.00%. To herb class, Crimson-bellied Tragopan prefer to activate in

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期
  • 【分类号】Q958.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】168