

The Case Study on Play Therapy with an Autistic Boy

【作者】 寇延

【导师】 张日昇;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 儿童自闭症是一种弥漫性发育障碍,起病于婴幼儿期。此类儿童具有社会交往的障碍、语言交往的障碍和异常的行为与兴趣。其治疗引起了社会的广泛关注。 游戏是儿童的语言,游戏治疗以游戏为媒介,让儿童通过游戏自然表达自己的感情,暴露问题,并解除困扰。儿童在游戏疗法中学会自我控制、自我指导、自由表达、接纳自我、更有创造性等。 箱庭疗法是游戏疗法的一种形式,儿童在治疗者所创造的“自由和受保护”的空间内利用沙、水和玩具模型游戏,有利于儿童自由地表达情感、有利于引发儿童的想象和唤醒他们的自我治愈潜能。 本个案研究通过一个3岁自闭症男孩历时1年半、共26次的游戏治疗对这些问题进行了探讨。研究发现,个案的游戏治疗经历了三个阶段,即“熟悉治疗环境阶段”、“治疗关系建立阶段”和“游戏治疗深入发展阶段”;考察治疗关系建立的指标包括“个案与治疗者之间的言语和非言语互动”、“个案与父母的关系处理”和“个案的‘第一次’行为”,建立的目标是“母子一体性”的形成;治疗者与个案父母关系的建立经过了“接纳事实”、“开放情感”和“具体指导”三个阶段;个案在治疗中游戏的发展表现为:动沙的力度增大,说明治疗深入了个案内心,其自我能量感在增强,游戏中的想象性成分不断增多,说明其对周围事物和他人关注了,开始“会”游戏,从单独游戏逐渐向简单合作游戏发展,说明其体验到了合作和互动的快乐,并从中渐渐获得自信,有助于个案将这种体验和自信迁移到日常生活中,尝试与他人互动;沙和水是个案游戏治疗中的重要治疗因素,沙可以调动自闭症幼儿的感触觉,唤醒其潜在能量,调整能量分配,水给自闭症儿童一种轻松感、包容感和满足感,并引发其想象。 从个案父母和老师的反馈来看,个案在各项诊断项目上的症状都有所减轻,游戏治疗取得了一定成效。

【Abstract】 Children’s autism is Pervasive Developmental Disorders and appears in babyhood. The autistic children have social communication disorders, language communication disorders and abnormal behaviors and interests. The therapy with autism has attracted extensive attention in our societyPlay is language of children. Play is medium of play therapy by which children express their natural feelings, uncover their problems and relieve their puzzles. Children learn how to control, direct, express and accept themselves and make themselves more creative.Sandplay Therapy is a kind of play therapy. Children play sand, water and miniatures in "free and protected" space provided by therapists. Sandplay makes children express their feelings freely, inspires their imagination and arouses their self-healing potential.The case study discussed these issues by play therapy with a 3-year-old autistic boy. The therapy had processed for one and a half year and included 26 sessions. The case study found: the boy’s play therapy went through 3 phrases, including "knowing the therapeutic conditions well", "establishing of therapeutic relationship", "developing play therapy evolutionally"; the clues from which to judge relationship included "verbal and nonverbal interaction between therapist and the boy", "the boy’s dealing with his parents ", "his ’first’ behavior", the aim of establishing was to form "mother-child unity"; the relationship between therapist and the boy’s parents passed through "admitting the facts", "opening their feelings" and "detailed guidance"; the development of the boy’s play consisted in the larger degree of digging and moving sand(showing that the therapy went deep into the boy’s mind and his sense of strength was improving), the increasing of imaginative plays(showing that the boy began to pay attention to others and knew how to play), from playing by himself to cooperating with therapist(showing that he felt the happiness in cooperating and interacting with others and was gaining self-confidence which was favorable to be transferred to his lives and be used to communicating with others), sand and water were very important therapeutic factors for the boy(sand could mobilize his sense of feeling and touching , awakening his energy and regulating it. water could provide relaxed feeling, sense of being contained and satisfied andenlighten his imagination).From reflection of his parents and teachers, we knew that his symptoms based on diagnostic items had alleviated. The play therapy with the boy was resultfiil.

【关键词】 自闭症幼儿箱庭疗法个案研究
【Key words】 Autism3-year-old BoySandplay TherapyCase Study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】5205