

Studies on the Distribution of NgR in Rat Astrocytes and Oligodendrocytes

【作者】 孙芳

【导师】 鞠躬; 金卫林;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 神经生物学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)区别于周围神经系统(peripheral nervous system,PNS)很重要的一点在于CNS的轴突损伤后不能再生,而PNS的轴突则可以。CNS不同于PNS的不利环境,尤其是其特有的髓鞘结构对神经再生起了很大的阻碍作用。人们从CNS髓鞘中提取纯化了多种抑制性蛋白质,称为髓鞘相关抑制因子(myelin associated inhibitory factors,MAIFs),主要包括Nogo-A,MAG(myelin associated glycoprotein)和OMgp(oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein);这些分子不同程度地引起生长锥塌陷,抑制轴突再生,而且都是通过同一个受体—NgR(Nogo-66 receptor)向胞内传递抑制信号,发挥作用。因此,NgR作为潜在的治疗CNS损伤的靶点,越来越为人们所关注。 NgR属于磷脂酰肌醇(Glycosylphosphatidyl nositol,GPI)锚定蛋白,含有8个富含亮氨酸的重复序列(Leucine Repeat Region,LRR),和与其高度同源的两个分子NgRH1和NgRH2同属NgR家族。NgR主要在脑高表达,也低水平表达于外周的心脏、肾脏等少数器官;在正常成年大鼠CNS,NgR主要分布在神经元以及髓鞘包绕的轴突上,MAIFs正是通过和神经元上的NgR结合产生抑制作用的。 最近,有证据提示NgR蛋白也分布于胶质细胞。我们实验室

【Abstract】 One big difference existing between central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) is that injuried axons of CNS could not regenerate any more while nerves in PNS could. The specific and unfriendly surroundings of CNS,especially CNS myelin,which is quite different from that of PNS,contribute a lot to the regeneration failure.Several inhibitory proteins have been extracted from CNS myelin. These proteins,which mainly refer to Nogo-A,MAG ( myelin associated glycoprotein) and OMgp (oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein),are recognized as MAIFs (myelin associated inhibitory factors).MAIFs cause growth cone collapse and block axonal sprouting,and they have been found to transmit signals intracellularly through binding the same receptor-NgR (Nogo-66 receptor) . Therefore, as a potent target of treating CNS injury,NgR is getting more and more attention.NgR is a GPI ( Glycosylphosphatidyl nositol) -linked cell surface protein ,boasting eight leucine repeat regions (LRR) . NgR and other two molecules-NgRH1 and NgRH2,which have high homologywith NgR,constitute the NgR family.NgR is expressed prodominantly in brain and only moderately in several other organs such as heart and kidney.In CNS of normal adult rat, NgR has been found widely distributed in many classes of neurons and presented through axons surrounded by myelin.And it is NgR on the neural surface that binds MAIFs and take inhibitory effect.Recently, evidence have been offered to suggest that NgR is also expressed in glial cells.Our previous study has showed through immunohistochemical staining and immuno-electron microscopy that in spinal cord and cerebellum of adult normal rat ,NgR is found in glial cells of neuropils.Xiao ZC and his colleagues in Singapore reported having detected NgR protein in human U87MG glioma cells.However,more detailed studies of NgR in glial cells are needed.Based on these findings,we attempted to investigate the expression and distribution of NgR in glial cells systemicly.Our main results are as following:1. Identification of reactivity and specificity of several NgR antibodies which recognize different epitopes. In Blots, AB5615、 sc-25659 and NgRPAb were all shown to react with NgR specifically, but not with its family members, NgRH1 or NgRH2. Double immunofluorescence staining with Flag and several NgR antibodies in Flag-NgR tansfected COS cells showed that, besides Ngr11-A, NgR antibodies can stain predominantly the plasma membrane and perinuclear organelles labeled by Flag antibody. By RT-PCR and Western blot, PC12 and C17.2 cells were confirmed to express mRNA and protein of NgR, then indirect immunofluorescence technique revealed intracellular localization of NgR protein in PC12, C17.2 and CGN cells.The results showed that all the NgR antibodies we used could react with NgR specifically. Different NgR antibodies behaved differently in Western blot and immunofluorescence staining.2. NgR is expressed in rat astrocytes.Specific NgR cDNA product could

  • 【分类号】Q421
  • 【被引频次】1
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