

Faunal Analysis and Phylogenetic Study of Clytini in China

【作者】 张俊香

【导师】 陈力;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 虎天牛族Clytini是鞘翅目(Coleoptera)天牛科(Cerambycidae)天牛亚科(Cerambycinae)中较大的类群,不少种类是农林业生产中的重要害虫。本文全面介绍了虎天牛族的经济意义和国内外研究现状,针对虎天牛族研究现状中的空白,重点研究了该族区系特点,并用支序分析方法探讨了该族部分属间和绿虎天牛属Chlorophorus部分种间的系统演化,并描述了1个新种:Calloides yunnanensis, n. sp.。主要实验结果如下: 1.到2004年为止,我国已记载虎天牛族18属352种25亚种。由于国内许多地区还未做较多调查与采集,甚至完全是空白,很多新的种类有待于发现,已知种也待增加分布记录。本文仅就我国已记载的虎天牛族进行初步讨论,结果发现古北界分布14属,东洋界分布17属。按区系成分比较,北方区系成分4属,南方区系成分10属和南北区系成分不明的4属,属的比例各为22.22%、55.55%和22.22%。由此可见,东洋界的属多,古北界的属少。不论是从属的数量上还是从属的容量上来考虑,在属的组成中仍为南方区系成分占优势:种的组成中,古北界99种3亚种,东洋界263种21亚种,南方区系成分几乎占了我国区系成分的2/3,明显占优势。根据中国的动物地理区划,北纬32-34附近为古北界与东洋界东端的分界,根据虎天牛的实际分布,作者认为将北纬32.36作为分界面可能是较为合理的,当然尚需对两界区系成分相互渗透程度和区系特征不明显的成分进一步研究,并综合考虑多数类群的渗透界线之后,才能提出较真实的过渡地带范围。 2.通过支序分析方法借助Hennig86软件对中国虎天牛族9个属进行了系统发育关系分析,探讨了对虎天牛族进行外部形态和生殖器支序分析时可用于属间分析的周源特征,简单从进化角度分析了非同源特征的来由;通过对绿虎天牛属15种系统发育分析,探讨了用于绿虎天牛属Chlorophorus属内种间外部形态支序分析的同源特征,并简单分析了非同源特征的形成原因。 分析发现无论是外部形态支序分析还是生殖器支序分析,都表明脊虎天牛属Xylotrechus是虎天牛族中较原始的类群,而纹虎天牛属Anaglyptus是较前者进化的类群,与虎天牛族其它属都形成或大或小的单系,所以笔者认为纹虎天牛属Anaglyptus仍应归属于虎天牛族

【Abstract】 Clytini is a big group in Cerambycinae in Cerambycidae, most of them are economic pests in agriculture and forestry. This paper introduces its economic significance and study actuality of the world comprehensively. To fill the vacancy of researching actuality in Clytini, the present paper is a study of the fauna of Clytini in China, and of the phylogenetic relationships of some genera in Clytini , some species in Chlorophorus by cladistic analysis, a new species is also described : Calloides yunnanensis Zhang et Chen sp. nov. The results are as follows:1. 18 genera ,352 species and 25 subspecies of Clytini in China have been reported by 2004. Many new species are to be found for lack of more investigation and collection in many districts in China or researching vacancy. At the same time, distribution records of some species known to us are to be added. This paper is preliminary discuss: 14 genera in palaeoarctic realm, 17 genera in oriental realm. According to faunal element analysis, there are 4 genera in northern part, 10 genera in southern part and 4 genera which are intervenient, accounting for 22.22% 55.55% and 22.22% of the total. So genus in oriental realm is more than that in palaeoarctic realm .There are 263 species and 21 subspecies in oriental realm and 99 species and 3 subspecies in palaeoarctic realm .The southern part of fauna is prominent whether in genera quantity or in content; southern part accounts for two-part prominently of 352 species and 25 subspecies in China in species structure . Near the north latitude 32°-34° is east dividing line of oriental realm and palaeoarctic realm according to geographic partition of creature in China, while maybe north latitude 32°-36° is reasonable for Clytini. True transitional zone range awaits more study of faunal parts’ penetrating extent, unconspicuous faunal part and of more groups’ penetrating borderline.2. Phylogenetic analysis .which is based on cladistics among 9 genera in Clytini by software Hennig86.This paper discusses homogeneous characters for morphology and genitalia cladistic analysis among gemera and the cause of non-homogeneous characters from evolutional point of view. Similarly, phylogenetic analysis is carried out among 15 species in Chlorophorus , moreover,

【关键词】 虎天牛族区系支序分析系统发育
【Key words】 Clytinifaunacladistic analysisphylogeny
  • 【分类号】S433.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】190