

The Merge of Technology and Place

【作者】 吴庆

【导师】 班琼;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 高技术建筑(High-Tech Architecture)是指在建筑中坚持采用新技术、新材料及新工艺,同时在美学上也极力表现新技术、新材料和新工艺,通过对结构、材料和设备来表现建筑技术美的一支建筑流派。追根溯源,高技术建筑是对现代建筑的坚持和发扬,是一种很容易辨认出的现代主义分支。 高技术建筑在产生初始以先锋的姿态对抗当时颓废、迷乱的年代,之后又因其极端性而受到了广泛的质疑,并沉寂了一段时期。20世纪后期地域建筑理论的发展为高技术建筑获得新生奠定了理论基础。20世纪80年代后的高技术建筑已经逐步摆脱了早期自身的束缚,从地域性这一建筑的重要属性中寻找到突破口,将技术、自然、历史、传统文化有机地结合在一起。今天的高技术建筑在个性与环境意象的表现上日趋成熟,成为当今建筑创作中的热点。 本文以20世纪的文化发展为切入点,主要探讨高技术建筑地域化的动因、表现及意义。论文主体第一部分叙述了高技术建筑的产生、特征等早期高技术建筑的概况;第二部分通过对高技术建筑的自身条件和外部条件的变化发展,探讨了高技术建筑地域化的可能性和必然性;第三部分通过一系列实例论述了高技术建筑中地域化的表现;第四部分从技术和场所在人类发展史中的重要性中出发,阐述了高技术建筑地域化的意义——实现技术和场所的融合;第五部分则联系中国的实际,展望了高技术建筑地域化在中国的前景。

【Abstract】 High-Tech architecture , an independent genre of contemporary architecture , sticks to adopting new technology , new material , and showing new technology through the new structures , material and equipments . For it develops the spirit and soul of modernism architecture . High-tech architecture is also regarded as its important branch of modernism .In high-tech’s early stage , it resists dispirited and puzzled society as a pioneer at that time . However, high-tech architecture suffers extensively questions for its extremely, and quiets a short time. In 20~th later stage, the progress of region architecture theory makes high-tech get fresh nutrient. In 20th eightieth later stage, high-tech has already extricated itself from predicament gradually, and finds breakthrough point from region, which is an important properly of architecture. Today’s high-tech architecture takes technology, nature, history, traditional culture combine together, it has became mature in individuality and a new environmental image, it will be a major trend in contemporary architecture development.The thesis uses the progress of 20th culture as basis, probes into the reason, manifestation and meaning of regional trend in high-tech architectural. Chapter 1 recounts high-tech are birth, characteristics and current development. Chapter 2 inquires into the impossible and certain of regional trend in high-tech through the progress of high-tech architectural it self’s and outside conditions. Chapter 3 elucidates the expression of regional trend in high-tech architecture by analyzing a series of very detailed examples. Chapter 4 interprets the real life of the regional trend in high-tech architectural from the importance of technology and place in human’s history. Chapter 5 discusses the perspective of the future development of high-tech architecture, and analyzes its current and future development in China.

  • 【分类号】TU18
  • 【下载频次】213