

【作者】 王丹

【导师】 杨河清;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用比较历史进程和规范研究的研究方法,对知识经济时代职业生涯规划的发展模式展开了系统研究。在知识经济的时代背景下,通过梳理职业生涯规划的发展脉络,以“自觉性”、“主动性”为基准,将工业经济前、工业经济时代和知识经济时代的职业生涯规划发展模式分别界定为“义务本位模式”、“权利本位模式”和“权利—社会模式”,并逐一加以剖析和比较,从而指出当今职业生涯规划在研究和实践方面面临的困境,为知识经济时代职业生涯规划做出相应调整与重构提供现实基础。 在明确相关研究背景的前提下,从历史必然性与现实可能性两方面对知识经济时代职业生涯规划的“权利—社会模式”这一研究假设成立的历史必然性与存在可能性展开论述。其中,工业经济时代职业生涯规划的“权利本位模式”为“权利—社会模式”提供了可供借鉴的实践经验和研究成果,知识经济时代的发展对职业生涯规划提出更新的要求,使得知识经济时代职业生涯规划“权利—义务模式”的产生成为历史的必然。而无边界职业生涯规划研究成果的支持,衡量职业成功的标准向非职务晋升等内在标准过渡,职业生涯规划成为人力资源管理的核心职能之一等为知识经济时代职业生涯规划呈现“权利—社会模式”提供了现实可能性。 本文具体论证了知识经济时代职业生涯规划“权利—社会模式”的发展特征,并用相应的数学公式表达各发展特征及其相互关联,提出知识经济时代的职业生涯将呈现出“个体发展责任自承”、“组织和社会的辅助性”、“职业发展范式特征弱化”、“职业成功标准内在化”、“过程控制与利益增值”等发展特征。根据以上特征,以系统论为理论框架加以整合,从而为个体在知识经济时代寻找合理的职业生涯规划体系提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 This dissertation makes use of comparative research method of the history progress and the normal research method, launching the system research to the knowledge-based economy development mode of the occupation career planning of ages.First, on the background of the knowledge-based economy, the dissertation takes" self-awareness " and " activeness" as two basic factors to point out three stages of career planning as the "duty-basis mode", the " right-basis mode" and the" right- social mode" respectively. Then it takes into the analysis and comparisons one by one, so that nowadays the career planning predicament has been confronted with series of difficulty both in research and practice. Third, under the premise of the explicit and related research background, it argues not only the inevitability but the realistic possibility of the "right-social mode" of the career planning in knowledge basic economy. Among them, the " right-basis mode" of the occupation career planning in industry economy provided experience and the research results that can be provided to draw lessons from for it, and the development of knowledge-based economy ages puts forward the more recent request to the occupation career planning. All of these became the inevitability of the "right- duty mode" in the knowledge-based economy. Furthermore, the support of the boundary occupation career planning research results, shift of the occupation success standards to inside standards such as non-job promotion, the career planning becoming a core working talent of HRM provide the realistic possibility for the emergence of "right- social mode" of the career planning. Finally, this dissertation researches the characteristics of the "right- social mode" of the career planning in the knowledge-based economic ages.

  • 【分类号】F240
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2877