

The Study of Compact Mechanism on Cotton Compact Spinning

【作者】 周水平

【导师】 杨建平; 汪军;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 自集聚纺纱技术出现以来,因其能大幅度提高细纱质量而备受人们关注。 本文从理论分析入手,通过棉型集聚纺集聚区须条运动受力情况的分析,建立须条在集聚区内运动的受力模型,求解模型,对影响模型结果(附加捻度、须条张力)的各因素进行理论分析和实验验证,选取细纱3~9mm毛羽、细纱的断裂强力、细纱的断裂伸长作为细纱的评价指标,探讨集聚纱附加捻度与细纱质量间的关系。 在本试验研究条件下,理论分析和实验验证的结果表明: 1.集聚纱的成纱捻度由环锭纺钢丝圈所加捻度与集聚纱附加捻度两部分组成。 2.集聚区运动的须条可以分为三部分,即:须条随吸风槽的倾角而产生的扭转三角部分、须条截面有椭圆形截面变为圆形截面部分和须条截面为圆形截面不变部分。对着三部分的分析,得到关于须条集聚附加捻度的力学模,其中须条截面为圆形截面不变部分对于附加捻度的影响较大。 3.对力学模型的分析可以看出,影响须条附加捻度的主要因素有须条和网格套圈间的摩擦系数μ、负压大小p、异形管的曲率半径ρn和槽的长度s等。须条的附加捻度随着μ、p、s的增加而增加,随着ρn的增加而减少,其中μ、p、s的影响较为显著。

【Abstract】 After appearance of compact spinning, much attention has been paid to it because it can enhance yarn quality greatly. In this paper, motions and forces of fiber band in compact zone of compact spinning are analyzed, then, the mechanical model of fiber band in compact zone is built based on the analysis. By integral of the mechanical model, the factors which affect the result of model (the additional twists and the tension of fiber band in compact zone) are analyzed based on theory and experience. Number of hairiness in the range of 3~9mm, yarn strength and yarn elongation are selected as the index points for evaluating the quality of cotton compact yarn, the relationship between the additional twists of the fiber band in the compact zone and the quality of the compact yarn is explored.Theoretical analysis and experimental study show that:1. The ultimate twists of compact yarn consist of twists inserted by ring traveler and additional twists created in compact zone.2. The fiber band in compact zone consist of the parts, including the triangle part created for the fiber band’s torsion along the suction slot, the part which the section of fiber band changes from ellipse to rotundity and the part which the section of fiber band is unchanging. By analysis of those three parts, the mechanical models about the additional twists and the tension of fiber band in compact field are built., Among these threeparts, the part which the section of fiber band is unchanging does most to the additional twists of fiber band in compact zone.3. By analysis the mechanical model of fiber band in compact zone, the factors which affect the additional twists of fiber band include: the pressure in the profile tube P, the coefficient of friction between the fiber band and lattice apron μ, the length of the suction slot s and the curvature radius of profile tube pn. The additional twists of fiber band raises with the increase of p,μ and s etc, but reduce with the increase of pn. Among all the factors, what affect the additional twists of fiber band greatly are p, μ and s.4. By analysis the mechanical model of the tension of fiber band in compact zone, the pressure in the profile tube P, the coefficient of friction between the fiber band and lattice apron μ, the length of the suction slot sshould be kept in some range for the normal movement of the fiber band in the compact zone.5. The factors, the pressure in the profile tube p and the length of the suction slot s, which affect the additional twists of fiber band in compact zone are experimented. By compare, the two results of experiment and the theory are close to each other.6. By exploring of the relationship between the additional twist of the fiber band in the compact zone and the quality of the compact yarn, thenumber of hairiness in the range of 3~9mm will be reduccd greatly when the additional twist is about 5% of the twists if ring spinning yarn. Yarn strength and yarn elongation fluctuate greatly, but the minimum is bigger than that of ring spinning yarn。7. By analysis of the skid of the fiber band in the compact zone, the pressure created by frame should not be too great, but make the drafting of fiber band well, at the same time, the friction should bigger, but the friction between profile tube band and lattice apron should be littler.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 04期
  • 【分类号】TS104
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】113