

Investigation on the Medium-Term Equipment of Atmospheric Plasma and Its Application to Continuous Materials’ Modification

【作者】 唐晓亮

【导师】 邱高;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 等离子体物理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 等离子体材料表面改性,作为一种清洁的干式处理技术,具有极强的吸引力和竞争优势,近几十年来已经有了较大的发展,是一项具有重要理论意义和实用价值的研究课题。应用常压等离子体进行等离子体处理目前已经成为一种新的研究方向,这是由于其无须昂贵的真空系统和分批处理。 介质阻挡放电(DBD),也被称为无声放电,是由两个平行的平面电极或圆柱形电极间至少存在一个独立的介质层,并在交流电源驱动下的放电,是一种能够在大气压条件下获得非平衡态等离子体的有效手段,在等离子体化学工程、材料表面改性、纳米材料制备、环境保护等方面获得了广泛应用。 本论文结合上海市教育委员会曙光计划资助项目“合成纤维织物大气压下介质阻挡放电改性处理”(项目编号:02SG28),在课题组已有研究成果的基础上,提出并自行设计建立了一台工业用连续材料改性处理DBD的中试装置,这台装置的设计建立对今后同类设备的研发与推广,以及常压等离子体的工业应用具有重要的意义。 本论文采用示波器李萨如图形测量DBD功率,在常温常压环境下使用DBD光谱诊断装置,对常压DBD在材料连续改性过程中的等离子体发射光谱进行诊断,记录和比较了氮气、氦气和氩气常压DBD发射光谱,定性分析了N2第二正系跃迁(C3π?→B3πg)的谱线、He的两条明显特征谱线(31P1→21S0,33D→33P)和Ar集中在680-780nm范围内的原子发射谱线,并运用Ar元素谱线的相对强度来初步定量分析等离子体的电子温度,以达到对材料表面改性过程的实时

【Abstract】 The surface-modification technique of materials by low temperature plasma (LTP) has been developed rapidly in past dozens of years, because it is a kind of sanitary and "dry" processing technique that has many attractive and competitive advantages. Therefore, it is a subject that has important academic significance and practical profit. Interest has grown in applying atmospheric pressure plasma to plasmas processing for the benefits this can offer to existing and potential new processes, because they do not require expensive vacuum systems and batch processing.Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), also referred as silent discharge (SD), is characterized by the presence of at least one insulating layer in contact with the discharge between two planar or cylindrical electrodes connected to an ac power supply. As an effective method of producing non-equilibrium plasma, it has been paid much attention to due to its prospective applications in plasma chemical engineering, material surface modification, preparation of nanometer material, environmental protection and so on.In this thesis, a continuous modification embryo device of DBD is brought forward and developed, based on previous results of our research group and "Studies on the Surface Modification to Synthetic Fibers and Fabrics Using Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric BarrierDischarge" (No: 02SG28) supported by the "Dawn Project" of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. The developing device is great significant to the designing and manufacture of the same type instruments, and also to the industrial application of atmospheric pressure plasma.Discharge power is measured by Lissajous figure of the oscilloscope in this thesis. The spectrum lines of nitrogen, helium and argon plasma emission at atmospheric pressure were separately recorded and qualitatively analyzed using spectral diagnosis equipment of atmospheric pressure DBD plasma. The spectrum lines of the second positive system of nitrogen (C 3 -B3g)3 two characteristic spectrum lines of helium (31P1 -21S0,33D-33P), and all of neutral argon atom spectrum lines in the range 680 to 780nm are recognized. For controlling the process of material surface modification promptly, the electron temperature of DBD plasma is quantitatively analyzed using relative intensity of argon spectrum lines.Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers are very low density, high strength, high modulus, excellent energy absorbance, good impact resistance, good corrosion resistance and so on. However, UHMWPE fibers and its composites have not been extensively applied in reality, because UHMWPE fibers don’t have heavy polar group, ultrahigh drawn fibers’ surface is quite smooth, and fiber-matrix interfacial adhesive strength is low. It is difficult for both fibers and resin to form chemical bond. Thus, UHMWPE fibers’ surface was modified continuously using atmospheric pressure argon DBD plasma. It is observed that the surface of treated fibers has formed the shallow holes of etching by scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs, and the bonding property between plasma treated fiber and epoxy resin has been improved greatly.Polypropylene (PP) fiber’s interfacial adhesion is bad either, because its surface is smooth and fiber-matrix interfacial adhesivestrength is low. It is so difficult for both fibers and resin to form chemical bond that mechanics performances of the fiber composite are influenced. It is observed that the PP fibers’ hydrophily and hygroscopicity are improved greatly due to etching effect after continuous plasma modification of atmospheric pressure DBD.It is investigated that the permittivity and thickness of the dielectric materials affect the wettability of textile materials, which are treated by DBD plasma. The experimental result demonstrates that it is beneficial for the surface modification of the material along with the permittivity increase and the thickness decrease.Atmospheric pressure DBD plasma has become higher and higher with its ever-increasing applications, but the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 04期
  • 【分类号】O539
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】155